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Liberal bias

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'''Liberal bias''' is partisan selection or distortion of information to support [[liberal]] policies. This bias can be expressed by [[professor values|professors]] and [[public school]] teachers, [[College Board]] exams, reporters and other journalists in mainstream media, and any other information source. Typically purveyors of liberal bias falsely present themselves as being objective. Liberal bias includes techniques such as distorted selection of information, [[placement bias]], [[photo bias]] and [[liberal style]]. There is a difference between being liberal, having a liberal perspective, and having a liberal bias.
'''''The essence of liberal bias is to dismiss or even to censor opposing views'''''. For liberals, to allow the airing or publishing of an opposing view creates the risk that people might discover errors in the liberal viewpoint. On the other hand, Conservatives [[conservative]]s typically uphold freedom of ideological expression, with many expressing that although they may oppose a liberal view with every fiber of their being, they will defend to the death their right to say it, because they believe that in the [[marketplace of ideas]] the true will always win over the false. (At ''Conservapedia '' we are not afraid to mention and even to summarize anti-conservative arguments.)
==Vision of the anointed==
In March 2010, liberal [[evolution]]ary magazine the ''National Geographic'', postulated that [[liberals]] and [[atheists]] may be more evolved than [[conservatives]], according to conclusions by Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist. Kanazawa states "people with higher levels of intelligence are more likely to adopt social values and behaviors that are relatively new to human life—liberalism, atheism, staying up late, and (for men) monogamy, for example." Kanazawa also defines ''liberalism'', in part, as caring about the well-being of vast numbers of people you'll never meet, and states that this "is a very new thing for humans."
However, in response it is argued that such an definition of liberalism would render [[Jesus Christ]] a liberal, who clearly taught "love thy neighbor as thyself", and who came to be the Savior of the world - to those who believe and so follow Him - and which obedience is contrary to what liberalism promotes. And that, in contrast to Biblical conservative morality, history shows that liberalism, as overall manifest today, has adopted such "new" but essentially old ways of rebellion against beneficial moral values, promoting [[Hollywood values]], [[San Francisco values]], adultery, anarchy, and atrocities such as are seen by such intelligent atheists as [[Mao]] and [[Pol Pot]], whose objectively baseless moral reasoning allowed them to justify their evils, as pragmatically reasonable to achieving their "enlightened" ideals.
In a response to the ''National Geographic'' pretensions, James Lewis in the ''American Thinker'' notes that the vast majority of "educated people before the 20th century in Western countries were conservatives", but that "IQ doesn't predict street smarts or (obviously) political success on Capitol Hill".
== Liberal bias in media ==
=== History === ==== Where does Liberal media bias come from? ==== Prior to the era of "objective journalism", many journalist and muckraker outlets alike were rather open and known for which side of the aisle that they stood. For example, both ''Harper's Weekly'' as well as the [[Los Angeles Times]] were considered to be [[Republican]] publications.<ref>[ Harper's Weekly]</ref><ref>[ The Fall and Rise of Partisan Journalism]</ref> Other papers had a [[Democrat]] bent.<ref>[ Appleton's Cyclopædia of American Biography, Volume 1]</ref> During the partisan era, both sides had ample representation. There was no one sided media monopoly and the beliefs of the papers were known. ===== Bias cloaked as objectivity ===== Liberal bias in objective news goes back much further than most people realize, and most journalists would want anybody to know. [[Walter Lippmann]], who is considered by many to be the Father of Modern Journalism,<ref>{{cite journal |last=Schudson |first=Michael |authorlink=Michael Schudson |date=2008 |title=The "Lippmann-Dewey Debate" and the Invention of Walter Lippmann as an Anti-Democrat 1985-1996 |journal=International Journal of Communication |volume=2 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Carey |first=James W. |authorlink=James W. Carey |date=March 1987 |title=The Press and the Public Discourse |journal=The Center Magazine |volume=20 }}</ref> was on the front lines of the development of so-called "objective journalism" around the 1920s.<ref name=meaning>[ The lost meaning of 'objectivity'], American Press Institute</ref> Lippmann wrote that you could use selective keywords<ref name=keywords>Walter Lippmann, ''[]'', p. 355</ref> in order to demonize one group of people or to praise other groups, solely based on the journalist's prerogative. He concluded that after the journalist set the tone of who was to be praised and who was to be castigated, the role of editorials was to reinforce the message.<ref name=keywords /> Lippmann opens his highly influential book ''Public Opinion'' with an anecdote about a small group of people on a distant island, and until a new copy of newspaper was brought in by ship the people on the island would continue their same arguments in perpetuity.<ref>Public Opinion, page 1.</ref> ''Public Opinion'' offers a rare glimpse inside the journalistic mind about the means and ability to manipulate readers to achieve a desired outcome. Lippmann also called for journalism to be more closely associated with universities,<ref name=meaning /> with the end result that all journalists would be trained by left wing college professors. This ensures that journalism graduates would be of only one mindset. === Modern ===A 2005 report<ref>[ A MEASURE OF MEDIA BIAS] </ref> by Tim Groseclose and Jeffrey Milyo political scientists at UCLA concluded that, based on estimated ideological scores, all of the news outlets they examined, except [[Fox News’ News]]’ Special Report and the [[Washington Times]], showed a strong liberal bias (scores to the left of the average member of Congress). Of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 scored left of center, with [[CBS]]' "Evening News," The [[New York Times ]] and the [[Los Angeles Times ]] ranking second, third and fourth most liberal behind the news pages of [[The Wall Street Journal]]. Only Fox News' "Special Report With Brit Hume" and The Washington Times scored right of the average U.S. voter.<blockquote>
"I suspected that many media outlets would tilt to the left because surveys have shown that reporters tend to vote more Democrat than Republican," said Tim Groseclose, a UCLA political scientist and the study's lead author. "But I was surprised at just how pronounced the distinctions are." <ref></ref>
[[ABC]], CBS, and [[NBC ]] together have unloaded more than a thousand stories on Obama’s presidential campaign but not a single story devoted to examining Obama’s abysmal abortion record. <ref>[ Bozell Column: Who's 'Fierce' on Abortion?], October 14, 2008</ref>
Billionaire ultra liberal [[atheist]] investor [[George Soros]], who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, is a very substantial supporter of liberal media. <ref> </ref>
Liberals believe that most mainstream media sources do not have a bias towards liberal views, and that the idea of a "liberal media" is a myth fabricated by conservatives who are upset when reported facts do not support conservatives' opinions, beliefs, interests, or preconceived notions.
====Notable examples====
=====Liberals to Conservative Ratio=====Talk to any Fox News hating-liberal and you'll here the same old regurgitated talking point- ''Fox is not Fair & Balanced.'' One network, Fox News has twice the number of opposing commentators than does all media sources combined. If you add up the major media properties; ABC, NBC, CBS, [[MSNBC]], [[CNN]], [[PBS]], New York Times, Washington Post, and Newsweek -- you Newsweek—you get a total of five so-called conservatives personalities among hundreds of liberals. At the least, Fox News employees the following liberals.
*[[Bob Beckel]]
*[[Ed Henry]]
=====Cuban revolution=====
Prime media sources as the New York Times believed and embraced [[Fidel Castro]], who used them in his propaganda to foster acceptance in the Western world.
In a letter to a revolutionary colleague in 1954, Fidel Castro is reported as stating, "We cannot for a second abandon propaganda. [[Propaganda]] is vital -- propaganda is the heart of all struggles."
Likewise, [[Che Guevara]], once labelled "Castro's brain," and who swore by [[Stalin ]] and once boasted "I am all the contrary of a Christ (and who was an early role model for [[Christopher Hitchens]], <ref>Sean O'Hagan, ''Just a Pretty Face?,'' The Observer, July 11, 2004</ref>) "stated, "A foreign reporter -- preferably American -- was much more valuable to us at that time (1957) than any military victory. Much more valuable than rural recruits for our guerrilla force, were American media recruits to export our propaganda."<ref>Ernesto "Che" Guevara in his diaries</ref>
"Castro is honest," reported Newsweek magazine on April 13, 1959. "And an honest government is something unique in Cuba....Castro is not himself even remotely a Communist."
Herbert Matthews, of the New York Times reported, (July 1959) "This is not a Communist Revolution in any sense of the term. Fidel Castro is not only not a Communist, he is decidedly anti-Communist."<ref></ref>
In an interview with [[Bill O'Reilly ]] of Fox News, the atheist and liberal founder of CNN, [[Ted Turner]], denied that Fidel Castro's Stalinist regime ever killed anyone, as "that's never been proven." <ref></ref>
CNN, which was the first foreign media network to obtain a Havana bureau, promoted Cuba's Healthcare as model for the U.S. While it did mention accusations of serious problems, nearly all of the report was positive. <ref></ref>
=====Vietnam War=====The [[Vietnam War]], in which America was the victor in military battles, is perhaps the most manifest modern example of how propaganda affected the outcome of a war, with much of the mainstream media being an all too willing instrument of such, especially CBS News with [[Walter Cronkite]].
In an exchange during one of his liaison trips to Hanoi, Colonel Harry G. Summers, Jr. told his North Vietnamese counterpart, Colonel Tu, "You know, you never beat us on the battlefield," Colonel Tu responded, "That may be so, but it is also irrelevant."<ref>On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War, Harry G. Summers</ref>
The Tet Offensive was portrayed by the New York liberal media as a defeat for the U.S., while in fact, it was an almost disastrous defeat for the North Vietnamese, as General Westmoreland and historians agree. The Viet Cong not only lost half of the 90,000 troops they had committed to battle, but it was virtually destroyed as an army.<ref></ref>
British "Encounter" journalist Robert Elegant stated,<blockquote>For the first time in modern history, the outcome of a war was determined not on the battlefield but on the printed page and television screens - never before Vietnam had the collective policy of the media sought, by graphic and unremitting distortion, the victory of the enemies of the correspondents own side.<ref>[ How to Lose A War: The Press and Viet Nam]; Encounter (London), vol. LVII, No. 2, August 1981, pp. 73-90</ref></blockquote>
For the first time in modern history, the outcome of a war was determined not on the battlefield but on the printed page and television screens - never before Vietnam had the collective policy of the media sought, by graphic and unremitting distortion, the victory of the enemies of the correspondents own side..<ref>[ How to Lose A War: The Press and Viet Nam]; Encounter (London), vol. LVII, No. 2, August 1981, pp. 73-90</ref>
Some journalists have admitted that their reporting was decidedly biased, and had profound effects on history. West German correspondent Uwe Siemon-Netto confessed, "Having covered the Viet Nam war over a period of five years for West German publications, I am now haunted by the role we journalists have played over there." In relation to not reporting the true nature of the Hanoi regime and its actions resulting from the American withdrawal, he asked,
What prompted us to make our readers believe that the Communists, once in power in all of Viet Nam, would behave benignly? What made us, first and foremost Anthony Lewis, belittle warnings by U.S. officials that a Communist victory would result in a massacre?... Are we journalists not in part responsible for the death of the tens of thousands who drowned? And are we not in part responsible for the hostile reception accorded to those who survive?...However, the media have been rather coy; they have not declared that they played a key role in the conflict. They have not proudly trumpeted Hanoi's repeated expressions of gratitude to the mass media of the non-Communist world, although Hanoi has indeed affirmed that it could not have won "without the Western press."<refname="ReferenceA">Uwe Siemon-Netto in the International Herald Tribune, reprinted in Encounter, October 1979</ref>
''CBS Evening News with [[Walter Cronkite]]'' regularly carried news reports from its [[Moscow]] Bureau Chief, [[Bernard Redmont]]. When peace negotiations commenced with North Vietnam in Paris, Redmont became ''CBS News'' [[Paris]] Bureau Chief. What Redmont never reported during the ten year conflict was, Redmont had been a [[KGB]] operative since the 1930s, and member of the notorious [[Silvermaster group]]. <refname="KGB file 43173 vol. 2 v pp. 46-55">[ KGB file 43173 vol. 2 (v) pp. 46-55], Alexander Vassiliev, Notes on A. Gorsky’s Report to Savchenko S.R., 23 December 1949. Original document from KGB Archives [].</ref> Redmont was the only journalist to whom his fellow [[Comintern]] party member, and North Vietnamese chief negotiator, Mai Van Bo, granted an interview to bring the Communist point of view into American living rooms in what has been called, "the living room war."
The single most explicit example of such biased reporting is typically seen to be the portrayal of the TET offensive, in which western media was charged with inspiring and aiding the propaganda war of the communists.
* [[Associated Press]],
* [[CBS]] News,<ref>, [ Enabling media bias], Marvin Olasky, December 4, 2001.</ref>,
* [[Los Angeles Times]] newspaper,
* [[MSNBC]] cable news,
* [[Newsweek]] Magazine
* [[New York Times]] <ref>Reporters and editors today are overwhelmingly liberal politically, as studies of the attitudes of key members of the press have repeatedly shown. Should you doubt these findings, recall the statement of Daniel Okrent, then the public editor at the New York Times. Under the headline, "Is the New York times a Liberal Newspaper?," Mr. Okrent's first sentence was, "Of course it is." [] </ref> newspaper,
* [[Public Broadcasting Service]]
=== Associated Press, The ===
In 2009, instead of pursuing major, unanswered questions such as: where the "stimulus" money was spent, the true nature of Obamacare's health care takeover costs, US Army Major Hasan's terror associations, the Associated Press assigned 11 people to fact check all 432 pages of Sarah Palin's book ''Going Rogue.'' While the objective of good political journalism is to hold all public figures accountable. , the AP did no fact checking of books by liberal politicians appearing at the same time such those by [[Joseph Biden|Joe Biden,]] [[Barack Obama]], [[Hillary Clinton|Hillary]] and [[Bill Clinton]], and the late Senator [[Ted Kennedy]]. <ref>[ AP Turns Heads for Devoting 11 Reporters to Palin Book 'Fact Check', FoxNews, November 17, 2009]</ref>
===CBS News===
*"Their views on all the big social issues ... aren't liberal views at all. They're simply reasonable views, shared by all the reasonable people the media elites mingle with ..." <ref>(''Bias (book)'', page 222)</ref>
During the [[Vietnam War]], the [[Soviet Union]] was the principal ally of [[Communist ]] North Vietnam, providing weapons and training in what was a major conflict of the [[Cold War]] that took 58,000 American lives. ''CBS Evening News with [[Walter Cronkite]]'' regularly carried news reports from its [[Moscow]] Bureau Chief, [[Bernard Redmont]]. When peace negotiations commenced with North Vietnam in Paris, Redmont became ''CBS News'' [[Paris]] Bureau Chief. What Redmont never reported during the ten year conflict was, Redmont had been a [[KGB]] operative since the 1930s, and member of the notorious [[Silvermaster group]]. <ref>[ name="KGB file 43173 vol. 2 (v) pp. 46-55], Alexander Vassiliev, Notes on A. Gorsky’s Report to Savchenko S.R., 23 December 1949. Original document from KGB Archives [].<"/ref> Redmont was the only journalist to whom his fellow [[Comintern]] party member, and North Vietnamese chief negotiator, Mai Van Bo, granted an interview to bring the Communist point of view into American living rooms in what has been called, "the living room war."
The selective and editorial reporting of the Vietnam war is often cited as a manifest example of liberal bias in the mainstream media, with Hanoi reportedly affirming that it could not have won "without the Western press."<ref>Uwe Siemon-Netto in the International Herald Tribune, reprinted in Encounter, October 1979<name="ReferenceA"/ref>
===Los Angeles Times, The===
The mainstream media including the LA Times had been guilty of being silent regarding the [[John Edwards]] affair that the National Enquirer had broke in October 2007. The Enquirer followed up with a publication in December of 2007. Then in July 2008, the Enquirer had confronted Edwards at the Beverly Hilton hotel after he spent the entire day with his mistress. After Edwards admitted the affair on Friday August 8th8, the [[Mainstream media|mainstream media]] finally reported the [[scandal]], including the [[LA Times]]. In an article titled "Mainstream media finally pounce on Edwards' affair", the LA Times declared that they had been pursuing the story prior to Friday. <ref>[,0,7463269.story Mainstream media finally pounce on Edwards' affair] LA Times, August 9, 2008</ref> But they gave no excuse for hiding this from the American public. They have showed their true liberal bias by not reporting the story earlier. Then making an attempt to further fool the public by saying they were pursuing the story, when in fact 10 months had lapsed. Plus, nowhere in the article does it mention the Edwards is a Democrat. To the credit of the LA Times, they do mention that Democratic party strategists say Edwards needs to address the story, at the very bottom of the article. Protection of fellow [[liberal]] [[Democrats]] by the LA Times is more important than being a an honest news organization.
While it is well known that MSNBC's [[Keith Olbermann]] is the most viciously liberal voice to host a news program within the mainstream media, he usually tones down his anti-conservative, anti-Republican vitriol when anchoring special events like election results. But during MSNBC’s coverage of the [[Massachusetts]] special Senate election, Olbermann's presentation was more rabidly partisan than if the Democratic National Committee itself were producing the show. <ref>[ Olbermann Renews 'Teabagging' Attack on Scott Brown, Cuts His Victory Speech]</ref>
===New York Times, The===
Peter D. Feaver of the ''[[Boston Globe]]'' noted on the sixth anniversary of the [[September 11, 2001 attacks|September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks]] that [[]] ran a full-page advertisement in the ''[[New York Times]]'' accusing General [[David Petraeus]] of activities befitting a traitor. The advertisement alleges, without [[evidence]], that Petraeus would not give an honest, professional assessment of [[Operation Iraqi Freedom]]. Feaver noted, "The ad is vicious ... a deliberate attack on the senior Army commander, in a major daily newspaper, with the intention of destroying as much of his [[credibility]] as possible...part of an elaborate effort to undermine public support for the [[Iraq war]], and was foreshadowed by an unnamed [[Democratic]] senator who told a reporter, "No one wants to call [Petraeus] a liar on national TV . . . The expectation is that the outside groups will do this for us." The effort is funded by powerful [[special interest]]s, and has all the trappings of a major political campaign.<ref>[ MoveOn's McCarthy moment], By Peter D. Feaver, ''Boston Globe'', September 11, 2007.</ref> Within a day it was discovered the ''New York Times'' gave a “hefty discount” for its ad questioning Petraeus’ integrity. According to the director of public relations for the ''New York Times'', “the open rate for an ad of that size and type is $181,692.” A spokesman for confirmed that the [[liberal activist group]] paid only $65,000 for the ad - a reduction of more than $116,000 from the stated rate.<ref>[ Time Gives Lefties a Hefty Discount for "Betray us" Ad], Charles Hurt, ''New York Post'', September 13, 2007.</ref>
In July, 2008, the [[New York Times]] rejected an opinion piece written by [[John McCain]], which was responding to earlier piece written by [[Barack Obama]].<ref></ref> This came after the [[New York Times]] had previously published at least seven op-ed pieces by [[McCain]] since 1996, and endorsed him in the 2008 Republican Presidential primaries. The reason the [[New York Times]] cited for the July 2008 rejection was that they were asking the McCain campaign to provide a more substantive piece which would contrast his positions with the details of the Obama piece on a point-by-point basis.<ref></ref>
===Newsweek Magazine===
* [[Moore, Michael]], documentary film maker,
* [[PZ Myers]], professor and blogger.
* [[Dan Rather]] former news anchor ,<ref>During a phone conversation, [[Bernard Goldberg]] asked him, "What do you consider the ''New York Times''? Rather answered, "Middle of the road." (''[[Bias (book)|Bias]]'', page 221)</ref>,
* [[Real Time]] with [[Bill Maher]], and
* [[Washington Post]].
==Presidential coverage==
Many conservative and a few liberal commentators have remarked on the seeming extraordinary favor shown toward Barack Obama during his candidacy, and presidency.<ref>Dan Gainor, ''ONE YEAR LATER: Journalists' Love for Obama Still Going Strong'', November 06, 2009</ref> A 2008 comprehensive analysis conducted by the Media Research Center[] of every evening news report by the NBC, ABC and CBS television networks, showed that positive stories about Obama since he came to national prominence outnumbered negative stories 7 to 1.<ref>[ Study: ABC, NBC, CBS strongly support Obama August 20, 2008]</ref> During the Presidents candidacy, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews stated, "Yeah, well, you know what? I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work,..."
In November 2008, Mark Halperin of Time and ABC News criticized the media coverage of the 2008 presidential race, stating, "It's the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war." "It was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage."<ref>[ Political Punch, November 24, 2008 8:06 AM]</ref>
Newsweek editor Evan Thomas is seen by some to confirm the lack of objectivity and tendency to give undue exaltation they see the main stream media often displaying toward the new leader of the United statesStates. Referring to his perception of the President after his recent speeches overseas, Thomas stated,
"I mean, in a way Obama's standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of God."[]<ref>june 5, 2009, MSNBC interview with Chris Matthews</ref>
== Liberal media - apostles of atheism ==
''See also:'' [[Atheism and the media]] and [[Atheism and public relations]] and [[Atheism and politics]]
The Media Research Center released a study in 2008 reporting pro-[[atheism]] bias by major press outlets in the [[United States]].<ref name="">[ "Smoking gun proof that there is an atheist media bias"] (July 17, 2008). YouTube video, 2:56, posted by Atheism Sucks! Retrieved on July 25, 2014.</ref> The study found that 80% of mainstream media coverage of atheism was positive and that 71% of Christian-themed stories had an atheist counterpoint or were written from an atheist perspective.<ref name=""/>
==Media bias in education==
[[Education]] in [[America]], especially at its higher levels, is typically seen by conservatives as promoting liberalism and helping to promote [[moral decline]]. A most egregious example is the continued use of ''A People's History of the United States'', by [[Howard Zinn]], which is a radical [[left-wing]] revision of history. Zinn explicitly stated that "objectivity is impossible and it is also undesirable", as he advocated and practiced making the writing of history a polemic for change.
Liberals are evidenced to make up a disproportionate amount of college faculty. A (disputed) study showed that 50% of American college faculty identified themselves as [[Democrats]] and only 11% as [[Republicans]] (with 33% being [[Independent]], and 5% identifying themselves with another party). 72% described themselves as "to the left of center," including 18% who were strongly left. Only 15% described themselves as right of center, including only 3% who were "strongly right."<refname="American Academic Study Survey 1999">North American Academic Study Survey (NAASS) of students, faculty and administrators at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada 1999. The Berkeley Electronic Press</ref><ref></ref> <ref></ref> When they are in the faculty they then discriminate against the hiring of conservative professors.<ref></ref>
This Liberal Bias has even made its way to subjects that make up the very heart of America: [[The Constitution]], and [[Christianity]]. Their venerable age no longer protects them from being criticized in the light of modern exigencies. Moreover, in this view the first duty laid upon the State is to guarantee the economic well-being of the individual citizens. Hence it is judged from the practical standpoint and according to general principles based on the idea of economic returns. The chief representatives of this theory of the State are to be found among the average American socialist, especially our liberal Democrats.
One the glossary of book, ''World History: Continuity and Change'', the entry on the Ten Commandments skeptically describes them as "Moral laws Moses '''claimed''' to have received from the Hebrew G-d Y-hweh on Mount Sinai," while the very same glossary states the [[Qu'ran]] is a "Holy Book of Islam containing revelations received by Muhammad from G-d.” <ref></ref>
One textbook publisher, ''Teachers Curriculum Institute'', has agreed to rewrite its unit on the Middle East after being challenged, and consulting many scholars. The San FransiscoFrancisco-based Jewish Community Relations Council found that the textbooks were so filled with inaccuracies and biased that they should not be used.<ref>San Francisco Jewish Community Publications, Friday, February 13, 2004</ref>
Professor, Larry Schweikart notes that most textbooks tend to come from New York, Boston, Washington and Philadelphia, all liberal bastions. As concerns American history, Schweikart sees the "Reagan test" as a consistent indicator of whether a book is politically slanted. The majority of books he has examined credit former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev with ending the Cold War, while marginalizing Reagan.<ref>[ Fox News, March 11, 2010]</ref>
==Conservative Opposition to Liberal Bias==
[[Ann Coulter]] wrote:
*To obscure the overwhelming liberal dominance of the media, the few designated media "[[conservatives]]" are cited tirelessly in testimonies to the [[ideological]] diversity in the nation's [[newsroom]]s. Democrats in the media are [[editors]], national [[correspondent]]s, [[news anchor]]s, and [[reporter]]s. Republicans in the media are "from the right" [[polemic]]ists grudgingly tolerated within the liberal behemoth. Republican views must be accompanied by a conspicuous warning: "[[Partisan]] Conservative Opinion Coming!" [[Neutral]] news slots are reserved for Democrats exclusively. "Balance" is created by having a liberal host a debate between a liberal and a moderate Republican. <ref>''[[Slander (book)|]]'', P. 60</ref>
In June 2009, [[Republican]]s in the House of Representatives have created the Media Caucus to fight the Democrat-aligned media propaganda.
==Left-wing denial of Liberal bias==
[[New York Times]] publisher [[Arthur O. Sulzberger Jr.]] has denied that the New York Times has a liberal viewpoint and has stated the New York Times has an "urban" viewpoint.<refname=""></ref> However, in the summer of 2004, the newspaper's then public editor (ombudsman), Daniel Okrent, published a piece on the Times' liberal bias and cited the example of their coverage of [[Homosexuality and Marriage|homosexual marriage]].<ref>http://www.cnsnewsname=""/facts/2007/facts2007914.asp</ref><ref></ref> Although the New York Times has a particularly heavy bias when it comes to the [[homosexuality]] issue, the New York Times is not unusual in regards to the media having a liberal bias when it comes to the subject of homosexuality; see [[Homosexuality in the Media]]. [[John Stossel]] is an author, consumer reporter, and a co-anchor for the [[ABC|ABC News]] show [[20/20]]. [[Cybercast News Service]] states the following regarding regarding the influence of the New York Times and [[Washington Post]]:
{{cquote|While the newspapers reach only a fraction of people compared to the television networks, he said radio and television producers rely heavily on their contents.
* Between 90 and 97 percent of news media professionals have consistently affirmed themselves to be pro-choice on the matter of abortion, with more than half of the respondents agreeing that abortion should be legal under any and all circumstances.<ref>Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman’s 1981 survey of 240 journalists at top media outlets; Los Angeles Times 1985 survey of 2,700 journalists at 621 American newspapers; Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman’s 1986 study of the media’s attitudes and their influence on society, as published in the National Federation for Decency’s Journal; Indiana University journalism professors David Weaver and G. Cleveland Wilhoit’s 1992 survey of 1,410 newspaper, magazine, television, and radio journalists; Stanley Rothman and Amy Black’s 1995 study of the media elite.</ref>
* Between 6 and 8 percent attended religious services regularly, a tiny fraction of the corresponding rate for the public at large.<ref>Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman’s 1986 study of the media’s attitudes and their influence on society, Op. cit.; David Weaver and G. Cleveland Wilhoit’s 1992 survey of 1,410 journalists, Op. cit.; Annenberg Public Policy Center and Annenberg Foundation Trust’s 2005 survey of 673 journalists from newspapers, television, magazines, radio, and Internet; Pew Research Center’s 2008 survey of 222 journalists and news executives.</ref>
* Fully 81 percent of news media professionals favor affirmative action in business and academia.<refname="ReferenceB">Los Angeles Times 1985 survey of 2,700 journalists at 621 American newspapers, Op. cit.</ref>* More than half of respondents said that adultery could be acceptable under certain circumstances; only 15 percent said it was always wrong.<refname="ReferenceC">Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman’s 1981 survey of 240 journalists at top media outlets, Op. cit.</ref>
* Between 67 and 76 percent were opposed to prayer being permitted in public schools.<ref>Los Angeles Times 1985 survey of 2,700 journalists at 621 American newspapers; Journalist and Financial Reporting’s 1988 poll of 151 business reporters from 30 major publications.</ref>
* In 1964, 94 percent of media professionals voted for Democrat Lyndon Johnson over Republican Barry Goldwater.<ref>Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman’s 1981 survey of 240 journalists at top media outlets, Op. cit.<name="ReferenceC"/ref>
* In 1968, 86 percent voted for Democrat Hubert Humphrey over Republican Richard Nixon.<ref>Ibid.</ref>
* In 1972, 81 percent voted for Democrat George McGovern over the incumbent Nixon.<ref>Ibid.</ref>
* In 1976, 81 percent voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter over Republican Gerald Ford.<ref>Ibid.</ref>
* In 1980, twice as many cast their ballots for Carter rather than Republican Ronald Reagan.<ref>California State University survey of reporters from the 50 largest U.S. newspapers.</ref>
* In 1984, 58 percent supported Democrat Walter Mondale, whom Reagan defeated in the biggest landslide in presidential election history.<ref>Los Angeles Times 1985 survey of 2,700 journalists at 621 American newspapers, Op. cit.<name="ReferenceB"/ref>
* In 1988, White House correspondents from various major newspapers, television networks, magazines, and news services supported Democrat Michael Dukakis over Republican George H.W. Bush by a ratio of 12-to-1.<ref>U.S. News & World Report writer Kenneth Walsh’s 1995 study of 28 White House correspondents.</ref>
* In the 1992 Presidential election, among Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, the disparity was 89 percent vs. 7 percent, in Clinton’s favor over the incumbent Bush.<ref>1996 Freedom Forum survey of 139 Washington bureau chiefs and congressional correspondents, Op. cit.</ref>
A similar landmark study was conducted in 1990, examining the political leanings of the individuals, rather than the organizations, who were most often cited or quoted as experts on various topics in the news. The examination showed that on the subject of welfare and related issues, liberal experts were quoted 75 percent of the time, conservatives 22 percent. On consumer issues, the liberal-conservative ratio was 63 percent to 22 percent. On environmental issues, the ratio was 79 percent to 18 percent. And regarding nuclear energy, the ratio was 77 percent to 20 percent.<ref>Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman, and Linda Lichter, The Media Elite: America’s New Power Brokers (New York: Hastings House, 1990).</ref>
The decidedly liberal majority in news media is similar to that seen in American colleges and faculty, which most journalists were influenced by. A major study showed that 50% of American college faculty identified themselves as Democrats and 11% as Republicans (with 33% being Independent, and 5% identifying themselves with another party). 72% described themselves as "to the left of center," including 18% who were strongly left. Only 15% described themselves as right of center, including only 3% who were "strongly right."<ref>North name="American Academic Study Survey (NAASS) of students, faculty and administrators at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada 1999. The Berkeley Electronic Press<"/ref><ref>[ Conservatives: Underrepresented in Academia?]</ref>
== Liberal American entertainment industry, bestiality and other sexual immorality ==
[[File:NBC Tower.jpg|thumbnail|200px|[[LifeSiteNews]] reported:"In 46 hours of programming, [[NBC]] contained only one reference to marital sex, but 11 references to non-marital sex and one reference to [[adultery]] were made. References to incest, pedophilia, partner swapping, prostitution, threesomes, transsexuals/transvestites, [[bestiality]], and necrophilia combined outnumbered references to sex in marriage on NBC by a ratio of 27 to 1.<refname="">[ Study Finds TV Treats Marital Sex as Burdensome, Adultery as Positive]</ref> See also: [[Liberalism and bestiality]] ]]
''See also:'' [[Liberalism and bestiality]] and [[Liberal American entertainment industry and bestiality]]
In 46 hours of programming, [[NBC]] contained only one reference to marital sex, but 11 references to non-marital sex and one reference to adultery were made.
References to incest, pedophilia, partner swapping, prostitution, threesomes, transsexuals/transvestites, [[bestiality]], and necrophilia combined outnumbered references to sex in marriage on NBC by a ratio of 27 to 1.<refname="">[ Study Finds TV Treats Marital Sex as Burdensome, Adultery as Positive]</ref>}}
== See also ==
*[[Professor values]]
*[[Journalistic malpractice]]
*[[Anti-Conservative bias]]
{{Examples of liberal bias}}
==External links==
[[Category: Deceit]][[Category: Liberalism]][[Category:Anti Second Amendment]]
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