
Kamala Harris

7,510 bytes added, 18:54, November 4, 2020
/* 2020 presidential campaign */
A ''[[Time magazine]]'' survey found 570 leftwing [[terrorist]] incidents in 220 cities between May 24, 2020 and August 22, 2020.<ref></ref> After the conventions Democrat protesters marched through [[Oakland]], California chanting "Death to America!".<ref></ref> Harris has promised [[riot]]s will not stop before or after the election.<ref></ref>
===The largest voter fraud organization ever===
:{{See also|Cloward-Piven strategy|Voter fraud|Ballot harvesting|2020 Voter fraud timeline}}
The probability of mail-in voter fraud creating chaos after Election Day, November 3, 2020, is very real. Some states may force residents to use mail-in ballots during the current health emergency. Voting by mail makes it easier to commit [[fraud]], intimidate voters, and destroy the protections of the secret ballot. Without the oversight of election and polling officials, mail-in ballots are the ballots most vulnerable to being altered, stolen, or forged. Fraud by duplicate voting can occur, once by absentee or mail-in ballot, and then again in person. Employees of private companies hired to contact and register voters have been known to change party affiliations of voters and forge signatures on voter registration forms, among other things.
Ten days before the election Biden went back into hiding and boasted of having assembled "the most extensive and inclusive [[voter fraud]] organization in history.”<ref></ref> When Democrats want to tilt elections in their favor outside the ballot box, [[Marc Elias]] of [[Perkins Coie]] is the go-to guy. Perkins Coie is the Democratic law firm, paid by [[2016 Hillary Clinton campaign|the Hillary Clinton campaign]], that hired [[Fusion GPS]] to dig up dirt on Donald Trump in 2016. They failed, but still compiled the ''[[Steele dossier]]'' full of foreign-solicited lies about Trump and Russia, which was leaked by Obama intelligence officials to try to sabotage the new president’s administration, sow doubt in his election victory, and invalidate the votes of 63 million Americans. From [[Wisconsin]] to [[Nevada]], to [[California]], Marc Elias and the Democrats pushed lawsuits disguised as “election reform” to water down important election safeguards and increase the opportunity for fraud, abuse, and corruption. In August 2020 ''[[Politico]]'' reported,
{{quotebox|[[Coronavirus]] has turned the Democratic Party’s voter contact program, one operative said, into something more like a tech support operation than a traditional door-knocking effort.....[[Priorities USA]], the Democratic super PAC, is spending $24 million on voter mobilization, which includes vote-by-mail education. Fair Fight, a group founded by [[Stacey Abrams]], has rolled out voter protection programs in 17 states....
[[File:Ballots in dumpster.png|right|350px|thumb|Mail-in ballots were found inside of a dumpster and a Postal worker arrested; [[mainstream fake news media]] repeatedly claimed mail-in voting was secure.<ref></ref>]]
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump’s recent attacks on the USPS and on mail-voting is raising concern among voters, operatives say.
“We've seen such an increase from young people in terms of concern about their ballot casting,” said Jared DeLoof, the states director of [[NextGen America]], which targets younger voters. “They want to vote, they want to make sure that that vote is going to count.” [...]
Democrats believe they will also have to follow up with some voters after their ballot has been cast, in an effort to help them fix ballots that have been rejected for technical reasons. State rules vary widely on if or how voters can correct their ballots, and the time windows to do so can be short.
While Democratic campaigns and groups navigate the patchwork of state rules governing mail ballots to encourage turnout, Democratic election attorney Marc Elias is trying to change many of those rules.
This is the other half of the party’s vote-by-mail efforts: a sprawling legal effort that spans every battleground state and is costing tens of millions of dollars. Priorities USA, just one of Elias’ clients, has expanded its voting litigation budget to $32 million.
“One of the features of vote by mail is that between the point that the voter cast the ballot and the point that the ballot is counted, several things have to go right,” Elias said in an interview. “One is that the ballot has to be received by the election officials in time. ... And the second is that the ballot needs to be verified and accepted.”
Elias, who was the lead attorney in former Sen. [[Al Franken]]’s (D-Minn.) 2008 recount victory and the general counsel for [[Hillary Clinton]] and [[John Kerry]]’s presidential campaigns, is pursuing what he calls “four pillars” of legal changes to election laws during coronavirus. The first, that mail ballots should include paid postage with them, has some cross-partisan support.
The other three do not, locking Elias in a wide-range legal fight with Republicans all over the country, including the Republican National Committee and its legal budget of at least $20 million. Those fights are over Elias’ push to mandate that states count ballots postmarked by Election Day but received after the fact; overhauling signature matching laws, which Elias derides as based on pseudoscience; and allowing for third parties to collect and turn in voters’ sealed absentee ballots, which Democrats call “community collection” and Republicans largely deride as “[[ballot harvesting]].”
“One thing you do is you make sure that people whose ballot is being challenged based on signature matching, that the people that are doing that have been trained, are applying uniform non-discriminatory standards. And most importantly, the voter is notified and has an opportunity to cure,” Elias said of his legal strategy. (A cure process mandates that a state contacts voters whose ballots have been rejected to give them the ability to fix — or cure — their ballot.)
Several Democratic-backed lawsuits have also pushed to expand who can cast absentee ballots. In 44 states, any voter can, at a minimum, request an absentee ballot if they choose to do so, and some states have changed that requirement as a response to the pandemic. [...]
Republicans argue that allowing for outside parties to collect and deliver ballots could lead to coercion or fraud. [...]
Depending on how close the races for the White House and battleground Senate seats are, "we could be headed for a ''[[Bush v. Gore]]'' situation in every battleground state, depending how close the results are."<ref></ref>}}
The RNC and the Trump campaign pushed back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of elections. All across the country, Democrats tried to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections.
One in five mail in ballots have been rejected in several 2020 elections. Nearly two-thirds (62%) say there is fraud in U.S. elections, and that fraud would concern them under Democrats’ nationwide mail-in ballot system. Americans overwhelmingly approve of the safeguards Democrats are suing to eliminate like signature matching (84%), voter identification (80%), and a ballot receipt deadline of election day (83%). Voters also oppose (67%) allowing campaign workers to collect mail-in ballots, also known as ballot harvesting.<ref></ref>
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