Last modified on March 4, 2022, at 22:38


Feminazi is a pejorative term applied to radical members of the feminist movement. Popularized by radio pundit Rush Limbaugh, it suggests they possess a ruthless, Nazi-like determination to achieve their goals.[1] While it is possible to criticize Limbaugh for drawing such a facile analogy, it is perhaps best regarded as an attempt at exaggeration for comic effect. Based on Limbaugh's use of the term and the upsurge of militant and misandrist third-wave feminism in recent years, the epithet has caught on as a term of criticism against feminism for its attacks on men and traditional values as well as against women who see the movement for what it really is - a movement that does not seek gender equality, but power and superiority by any means necessary - and reject it.


  1. "The term comes from feminists who acted militantly and were seen as people who were going to make you accept them no matter what. The same people who shoved feminism down your throat if you wanted to hear it or not." [1]