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Essay: Homosexual bait and switch

8,062 bytes added, 06:11, November 16, 2011
Blood, cum, and fecal matter everywhere.) (using [[Main Page|]]
<pre> 7MM? MMMMM7MM MMM+ $MMM MMMMD ,M MMMMM M MMM MM MMM MMMMM MM OM MO MM MMN MMM MM ,M MM, MM MMI MMM M M MMM MMM MM? MM MM M NM MM MM MM MM M MMM MM MMM M MM M NM MMM MM M MM 7 MM MMM MM M MMMMMM M MM MMM :MM M MMMMI7M M M MMM MM + MMM MM M MMMM= M +MM ,MM MMM MMM+ M 8M MMMMMM NM MMM MM MMM, MMMIMM ID MM MMMMM M M+ NMM MMD MM MM M MM MMMM M MM MM NMM MN MM NMM M: M MM M OM MMMMMMMMMMM, ,MM M $ MI MM MM MMMMMMMMM ~MM M MM M MM OM OMMMN MMM MMMMMZ M MM, MN MMMMMMM MMM =MM MM MM NMMMMMM DMMMMM MZ M?NMMM MMM MM +MM MM MM ~MM MMMMM MM MMMMM, M MMM MMM M ZMM MMM MM ,M: MM MM MMMMMM MM MM M+ M MM NMMMM M+ M MM MMMM MM MMMM MMM MM 7MMM MM MM MO MM MM MM MM MM MM MM +MZ ZM MM MM M MM MM MM $MMM MM MM, MM MM MM M ?M$ MM NM~ M MI MMM MM MM M M MMM MMMM M M MM MMMM :MM IM M MMMMMMMMM MM ,MMMMM M MMZ DMMO ?M MM+ M$ MMM MM ZMMMMM M MMMMMMMM M $M $ MMM N M: MM M MMMM MD MM M M MMMZ M8 MM ? MMM MMMM M MM M OMMM8 M MM MMMMMMN +M 8M MMMMM, MMMMMMMM7 MM M MM~ MM M MMN MM MMM MM +MM~ 7MM MMM$ MMM8 MMMZ DMMM MMMM MN MMMMMN MMM7 MMMMMI MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM: MMM :MMMMD ~ MMMM MMMMMMMM$ MMMMMMM D :MMMM MO MMM DMMMMMMMMMMMO~MMMMMMMM 7MMMMMM MM MMN MMMMMMMMM 8MMMMMMMM MM MM~MMMM= ,MMMMMM: 7MM MM MM MMM7 :~?I 8MM MM MM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMM +MMM, MM MMD MMM, MMMMMMM MM+ ?MMM= ZMM MM NMMMMMI +MMM M MMMM MMM MM MMMM MD8M MMM MMMMM MM MM MMMN MMZ M MMMMMMMMMM MMMM8 MM M,MM M$ MM MN MMMMMMMM MM M+ MMM M MM DMM MZ MM MM $ MM MM MMMM NM=</pre>'''Homosexual bait and switch''' is a technique used by covert homosexuals in order to convert heterosexuals to homosexuality, or at least, question their heterosexuality. Covert homosexuals will heavily alter their personal appearance in order to disguise their gender. These covert homosexuals will enter "meaningful" relationships with heterosexuals of the same sex without ever disclosing their own true gender. These homosexuals do a convincing job by utilizing [[deceit]] and powerful mind-control techniques. Only when the victim thinks they are in love does the covert homosexual reveal their true identity. At this point, the victim is too emotionally attached to the homosexual to leave them, giving the homosexual the upper-hand. Coercion into a counterfeit [[same-sex marriage]] is not uncommon. Even victims that somehow escape a homosexual's grasp usually go through withdrawal which causes some to suffer a homosexual relapse.
The term '''homosexual bait and switch''' can also be used to describe other things; such as [[J.K. Rowling]] retroactively stating that a popular character, [[Dumbledore]], from the [[Harry Potter]] series is homosexual.