
Essay:Most Influential Persons

1,137 bytes added, 05:18, January 15, 2007
<br>1. Jesus. “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1: 3) That influence is hard to beat.
<br>2. Adam. All humans have inherited their sinful nature form Adam.
<br>3. Noah. “So the lord said, ‘I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth… for I am sorry that I have made them.’ But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6: 7-8) God preserved his creation for the sake of Noah.
<br>4. Abraham. Abraham was the father of the Jews and the Moslems through Isaac and Ishmael respectively. He sacrificed Isaac on mount Moriah and is and remains a great example of faith.
<br>5. Moses. Leader of the Israelites through whom God gave the Ten Commandments.
<br>6. David. Second king of Israel whose psalms have great influence to this day.
<br>7. Paul. Evangelist and author of many new-testament books.
<br>8. Alexander the Great. Conqueror of most of the known world.
<br>9. Constantine. Roman emperor who spread Christianity.
<br>10. Julius Caesar. Great Roman dictator whose murder set the stage for the Roman Empire.
<br>(Benjamin S.)
<br>Julius Caesar
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