Last modified on January 2, 2019, at 01:34

Deliberate ignorance

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Gamigimuge (Talk | contribs) at 01:34, January 2, 2019. It may differ significantly from current revision.

Junmyeon was usually a patient man. Pragmatic and understanding. But now he was just hurt. It has been three weeks since he last saw Sehun. His funny and sassy Boyfriend? Lover? He didn’t even know. He could remember the exact moment where everything just fucked up. They had spent an awesome night. Dining with Chanyeol and his new boytoy Jongin has been surprisingly fun. Sehun had been a sassy little shit like always. It was turning Junmyeon on so badly. He knew now. He didn’t like his stupid friend, Chanyeol, who was denying his feelings all the way down. He knew that he loved? Sehun as much as he can love someone. He wasn’t supposed to get attached. He asked himself more than once where he messed up and literally fall in love with the younger boy. He didn’t know, it was just an evidence now. They had spent such a lovely night that Junmyeon confessed to Sehun. Maybe it has been too early. He wasn’t really experienced in confession and lovey dovey shit. It has been a challenge. He really thought that Sehun would do the same but he didn’t.

He just left without a word. Junmyeon didn’t do anything to make him stay. He just stayed still, without a word. He couldn’t even think straight. What the fuck just happened? Had he just been rejected? Well, apparently. But that wasn’t the worst.

He has wanted to apologise to Sehun during a week or so. He called him every day. Leaving a vocal message, giving him rendez vous. They had to talk face to face. He excused so many times. And that is true. Junmyeon was sorry, sorry for having made things awkward like that. Sorry because it was obviously the worst timing ever. But Sehun never answer. Even Chanyeol didn’t know a thing. Even so Jongin was Sehun’s best friend it was like he didn’t say anything to anyone. That is where Suho started to get really sad. He wasn’t expecting such a reaction. From Sehun, who was being a coward or from himself, who had been getting attached so easily. The next two weeks had been the worst. Junmyeon didn’t want to do anything anymore. Working? He was already rich, that was just a pain in the ass. Going out with Chanyeol and Jongin? If it was to just be a witness of their intense happiness Junmyeon preferred to stay at home. Making out and returning home with pretty boys to fuck them until the sun down? He didn’t feel like it.

It has been torture. It had been the fourth week where Junmyeon started to feel anger. He was furious. Furious about the fact that for the first time of his life he had been honest with someone he loved and that they rejected him. Furious about himself for being such a miserable human being. Furious against Sehun, who played with his feelings, who was being once again a bratty little shit.

Junmyeon stopped going out. It has been days, he was just roaming around his apartment like a zombie. He was sitting on his couch with a glass of wine in his right hand the entire bottle on the left. His black shirt was almost completely unbuttoned because even if he was a zombie he was still an aesthetically pleasing one. His black and silky locks were a mess sticking to his forehead. He knew he was drunk. The name of the bottle was now a mess of letters. He was pretty sure he could speak french an hour ago. He was almost asleep when someone ringed. He gets up, grumpy, the bottle still in his hands. He was for sure not ready to see Sehun at his door.

« What? Jun? What.. -What the fuck are you doing here? -Jongin… He told me to come to discuss here. You are not with Chan, on his trip? You weren’t supposed to be there… -What the…. I wasn’t supposed to be there… This is still my fucking house! -I am gonna leave.. -Oh the hell no you are not! Come the hell inside! »

Junmyeon was furious. It must have reflected on his face because Sehun do just as he said. It was probably the first time Sehun obey him like that. He hoped it would keep going.

« Where the hell were you? It’s been a fucking month. I called you so many fucking times! I’ve been waiting for you to answer »

Sehun said nothing. He was perfect, almost exactly like Junmyeon remembered. His silky platinum blond hair was styled in a way that some stroke of hair was falling on his forehead. He wasn’t wearing his black fitting suit, but a big coat with a fluffy hood. He looked tired and had he lose weight?

« I can accept a fucking ton of things. I’ve been such a patient person with you… You know that normally I don’t do patience, not with my boyfriends. »

Sehun was just looking at Junmyeon. His face was blank, but it was sehun, and except a cocky grin it was the only expression Junmyeon has ever seen from him. Junmyeon was now walking toward the young man. He wasn’t sad anymore, he was just furious. « You don’t know what you've done to me, ohhhh Sehun why did you come, you just made things even more complicated… » Sehun gulped. But before losing his composure, he turned around and started walking toward the living room.

« What! Running away from me again! » Junmyeon enter the living room, seeing Sehun standing still in the middle of the room. He was staring at the mess. Ah yeah the mess. « What have you done… » Junmyeon raised his brow. « None of your business. Tell me why you leave and get the hell out of here. » Wait Junmyeon said he was a patient person? Pragmatic and stuff? No, he wasn’t. Even at work he was a bitch, the only thing saving him was that he was the best at his job. In his personal life, it was the same. A lot of people worshipping his money and not a lot of friends. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were what could be considered hise fiends. His love life had always been a mess. He never fell in love before. Before. Because now the man he was in love with was in his living room after three weeks of silence and Junmyeon was angry.

« Stop fucking playing Jun… What the hell have you been doing… »

Junmyeon didn’t even hesitated.

« I’ve been waiting for you.»

It sounded way less pathetic in his head. But he discovered a new part of the spectrum that is Oh Sehun emotions. He was surprised and a bit sad, and was it blush on his cheeks… Junmyeon couldn’t take it anymore. He came closer to Sehun. He was way taller than Junmyeon but it had never bothered the older man. He always thought it was pretty sexy.

« Look what you’ve done. »

His voice was soft, almost sad, and Sehun seemed to soften a little.

« I am not playing anymore… »

Sehun gulped again. What the fuck happened to Junmyeon. He was lowkey scarring him right now. « If only you had a bit of esteem for me… A fucking call, even a text, just to tell me that everything was over. But no. You just said nothing. »

Sehun understood. But he needed this time alone. He didn’t want to end their relationship before he had had time to think about it. Saying that Junmyeon’s confession had surprised him would be an understatement. He needed to leave. But he knew that he had done every thing wrong. But now he knew. His feelings, he was ready. He wanted to talk to Jongin about that and find a way to talk to Junmyeon after that. He wasn’t ready to see Junmyeon. The shock had been so strong. Junmyeon… Sehun couldn’t explain what he was doing to make him feel this way. When his look crossed the one of the shortest man, he had lost it. Junmyeon was a mess, a mess with angry and dark eyes, rock hard abs peeking through his unbuttoned dress shirt, red lips that were asking to be kissed. But he was also thinner than a month ago, his eyes were tired, he was visibly drunk… Sehun wasn't sure he could handle it.

« I needed time… -And you know what I needed… A GODDAMN ANSWER!WAS THAT TOO MUCH! »

Sehun was taken aback when he felt a strong hold on his wrist. Junmyeon dragged him further into the apartment and Sehun knew where he was heading. To the bedroom. Sehun took a deep breath. When they enter the bedroom Sehun was shook. The bedroom was intact, everything was clean, neat. Have he sleep there ? Or did he sleep elsewhere?…

« Jun listen to me… -No »

Sehun felt himself fall on the bed. What the fuck.

« Take off your coat. »

Junmyeon was agitated. Sehun did as he said.

« I didn’t come into this room for weeks. »

So he didn’t sleep… Junmyeon turned around.

« You have no idea of what you are doing to me. »

Junmyeon leaned on Sehun. His hot breath tickling him, sending shivers in his entire body.

« Baby boy you have no idea of what I am going to do to you… »

Sehun was tense.

« Come on Jun, I am not here to play… -I am not playing. »

Sehun knew what liked Junmyeon in bed. He wasn’t like Jongin. The entire daddy kink wasn’t his stuff. He wasn’t an obedient baby.

« What the fuck is wrong with you.. -Always such a disobedient brat. Baby boy. You don’t understand what is gonna happen. »

Sehun shivered at his words.

« I know you are pissed, but we need to talk… Stop being all daddy and shit with me… »

Sehun knew he’d gone to far.

« Who do you think you are hmm? Leaving me like this. Without a fucking news for weeks… You think I am pissed, oh Baby boy you have no idea. Daddy is gonna punish you so badly. Your ass is gonna remember this for week. »

Sehun felt Junmyeon lips. He was so hungry. He was so aggressive. He was biting his lips, pushing his tongue so violently into his mouth.

« Jun stop! »

Junmyeon laughed.

« Jun? Hmm? Who do you think you are? I am not Jun or Junmyeon to you. I am not sure if you deserve to call my name. »

Junmyeon licked his lips, Sehun watching as he was slowly falling apart.

« Don’t touch me, Junmyeon. » Sehun looked surprised, eyes wide. Junmyeon had never been like this.

Junmyeon moved closer, pushing him against the mattress and placing his hands on either side of the taller boy’s torso.

“Isn’t that exactly what you want though, baby? You want my hands on your body, don’t you? My tongue on your neck, my cock…” Junmyeon chuckled,

“Jun, please…”

Junmyeon mouth quickly connected with Sehun’s again, bodies moving against each other in perfect rhythm. Sehun hands tugged at the older boy’s hair in defiance while Junmyeon tongue fought for dominance in the heat of the kiss.

Junmyeon's hands found Sehun’s hips, holding him against his growing cock.

“I could feel you are missing me, baby… Feel you are missing my taste, my touch,” Junmyeon mumbled.

Sehun's let out a soft whimper of despair. He wanted to fight. To resist. He knew it was too late.

He tugged at the older boy’s shirt, cueing him to take it off. The gunman was one of the most beautiful people inthe world. And Sehun was best friend with Kim Jongin. But Jun had this thing. In addition, of his killer body. A thing that melted every barrier Sehun had always kept up. Junmyeon finally throw away his shirt, pressing his body even closer. Sehun was suffocating. It was too much. He was gonna die. Junmyeon almost ripped off Sehun’s shirt. He was staring at him with so much passion.

« Well baby boy… You’ve hidden yourself from me. »

He started to trace the curve of his torso with the tip of his finger.

« What a beautiful baby. Taking care of yourself so much hmm. Such a firm chest. And that slim waist. I have the prettiest baby in the world right? Making all the other daddy so jealous…

- Stop…“ Sehun mumbled.

It was so wrong. So unlike him. Why? What Junmyeon was doing to him? Junmyeon's face lit up with excitement.

"Oh, baby.. Someone’s been naughty.. Liking the praise isn't you?” Junmyeon finished removing Sehun’s jeans and threw them aside, focused on the black boxer in front of him. “Mhm…”

Junmyeon ruffled the fabric between his fingers and moved up to kiss Sehun, brushing his lips against the tanned abdomen on his way up.

“What a hungry baby…”

He kissed at the submissive boy’s jaw, making sure to leave his mark where anyone could see it. He wanted everyone to know that Sehun was his, all his. His to kiss, to touch, to love, to fuck… Lost in thought and motion, Junmyeon hadn’t noticed that Sehun was whimpering and desperately trying to touch him. Junmyeon pulled away. He smirked, kneeling down in front of Sehun’s legs. Sehunlet go a cry of surprise. He was now facing the Junmyeon ruffled the fabric between his fingers and moved up to kiss Sehun, brushing his lips against the tanned abdomen on his way up.

“What a hungry baby…”

He kissed at the submissive boy’s jaw, making sure to leave his mark where anyone could see it. He wanted everyone to know that Sehun was his, all his. His to kiss, to touch, to love, to fuck…

Lost in thought and motion, Junmyeon hadn’t noticed that Sehun was whimpering and desperately trying to touch him. Junmyeon pulled away. He smirked, kneeling down in front of Sehun’s legs. Sehunlet go a cry of surprise. He was now facing the mattress, his face buried into the pillow. Junmyeon was staring at him. Sehun could feel it. His gaze was so intense it was piercing his skin. « Sehun… » Junmyeon sounded shocked. Sehun lifted his head a bit to see Junmyeon face.

« Baby boy. You have a butt to die for. »

Sehun couldn’t be more embarassed.

« I can’t wait to be buried inside you. Oh my god »

The gentle caresses soon turned to rough little scratches. The underwear didn’t last long. Soon Junmyeon mouth was on him again.

« You have no idea Baby what it has been. During all those weeks. All alone. I tried to forget you hmm. I tried to fuck other boys, but.. They weren’t you »

Sehun's heart swelled in pain. Junmyeon just continue to explore his body.

“Those hickeys won’t last forever, sweetheart… But I’m just making sure I leave my mark,” Junmyeon replied calmly and slowly.

“Oh my god, Jun…Please…” Sehun’s hips were moving desperately, his cock aching for the slightest touch. Junmyeon’s eye’s lit up. He quickly moved up to the other boy’s face and whispered, “Say it again, baby.”

“F-fuck…Please!” Junmyeon’s strong arms pulled Sehun closer to him by the hips, leaving his ass up in the air.

Junmyeon quickly removed his own jeans and boxers and moaned as he looked up to see the delicious-looking boy in front of him. He hastily slicked his fingers with lube, then leaned down and spit some onto the tight ring of muscle in front of him. His fingertips gently swirled around, making the boy cried.

« Jun! Oh my god please ! Just give it to me ! Can't ! »

Junmyeon obliged without any hesitation, pushing his middle finger inside the younger boy and pumping it teasingly. His gaze remained on the submissive boy laid out in front of him, a desperate look on his face.Not satisfied, Junmyeon added another finger in a search for Sehun’s moans. As he curled his fingers, his wish was granted. Sehun’s eyes widened, a moan escaping hip swollen lips.

“Good boy… Let Daddy hear you, sweetie…”

“Yo-you, Daddy! Give me your…”

Junmyeon smirked. “You’re just so needy, aren’t you, baby?” Sehun nodded in agreement, his mind floating as the shorter man’s fingers pumped faster and faster.

His cock began to twitch and Junmyeon pulled away, not wanting him to cum yet. “Jun!!” Sehun whined breathlessly, sweat across his chest and stomach. Junmyeon just chuckled, but he did as he was told. He couldn’t restrain himself and let out a soft groan as he pushed his member inside of Sehun. Sehun push his ass higher, resting his face deeper into the pillow, moaning with relief and pleasure. “Oh, Daddy.. So big…" Sehun mumbled.

Junmyeon moaned at that. Sehun was there. He was there. He wasn't gone anymore. His thought was interrupted by the tightening around his cock, Sehun clenching his muscles around the thick length inside him. "Sehun, baby boy…” He moaned. His hips found a rhythm, rough and high tempo with sloppy groans in between. Shuns eyes were as wide as can be, his fingers intertwined with the sheets, mouth wide and breathing rough.

were puffy and swollen from all the biting and tears began to well in the corners of his eyes, the pleasure rocking through him like tidal waves. He let go a high pitch moan when his daddy suddenly turned him around. He was now facing Junmyeon. That was so much better. Junmyeon was glorious. All sweaty and tensed and he looked like he was having pleasure. Because of him. Sehun was making Junmyeon felt good.

Junmyeon's hands wrapped around the boy’s cock, flicking the pre-cum over the tip with his thumb. Now the tears were really feeling, his grip tightening on the sheets. “Daddy.. harder, please! Make me sorry, Daddy!” Sehun moaned out. “Oh, baby boy..” Junmyeon's hips moved faster, his hand following the new pace…

 “Yours… All yours Daddy, always yours…” he started to actually cry now, sniffing and moaning as he went.
 “My little baby… My naughty fucking baby… Always so cocky. Always being disobedient. Never listening to me.”

Sehun bucked his hips against Junmyeon’s touch,

moaning out eagerly.

“Gonna cum, Daddy… Gonna cum on your hand, Daddy…Please… I need to so so so bad.”

« No before he cum, babyboy need to hear something from his daddy. »

Sehun moaned deeply.

« Sehun… »

He was calling his name.

« Oh my god Sehun. »

Oh my god. Why…

« I love you Sehun. I love you so much. I’ve been waiting for it. You. I love you! » Shan threw his head in ecstasy. Love me please love me. He came all over Junmyeon’s hand and his own abdomen as reached his highest. Junmyeon didn’t let up, though, continuing to pump the boy’s sensitive cock as he desperately searched for the release he so desperately needed. But seeing his baby like that. So fucked up. A mess. He was so pretty. So perfect. “Daddy… Please, i-it hurts… it’s too sensitive..” Sehun whined. Junmyeon's eyes rolled back and his head followed, tightening his hand on the messy boy before him. He let out a loud groan as he felt himself cum, a train of mumbled profanities following.

“Oh my fucking god, yes! Oh yes, Sehun… Baby boy… Shit! You’re so fucking tight…”

Junmyeon didn’t know how to explain what just happened. He just fucked Sehun. He has been dreaming of it since he met the boy. And it had happened. And it has been glorious. He knew that they should talk. They should discuss their relationship. But now Sehun was lying on his bed. Snuggling into his chest. Breathing slowly, almost asleep. And Junmyeon had not been this happy in a while. This can wait for tomorrow.