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/* [[Communism]] */ a test of the reference system
[[Image:Lysenko.jpg|right|thumbnail|150px|[[Trofim Denisovich Lysenko]]]]
It has been estimated that in less than the past 100 years, governments under the banner of communism have caused the death of somewhere between 40,472,000 to 259,432,000 human lives.<ref>* [ The Black Book of Communism]</ref><ref>* [ The Black Book of Communism]</ref><ref>*</ref><ref>* [ Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for the Twentieth Century Hemoclysm]</ref><ref>* [ Memory and Ideology]</ref><ref>* [ The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression]</ref> Dr. R. J. Rummel, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii, is the scholar who first coined the term democide (death by government). Dr. R. J. Rummel's mid estimate regarding the loss of life due to communism is that communism caused the death of approximately 110,286,000 people between 1917 and 1987.<ref></ref>
The [[theory of evolution]] played a prominent role in regards to atheistic communism.<ref></ref><ref name="icr"></ref> Communists, in particular [[Stalinism|Stalinists]], favored a version of [[Lamarckism]] called [[Lysenkoism]] developed by [[Trofim Denisovich Lysenko]].<ref name="Lysenkoism"></ref> Lysenko was made member of the Supreme [[Soviet Union|Soviet]] and head of the Institute of Genetics of the [[Soviet Academy of Sciences]].<ref name="bb"></ref> Later Lysenko became President of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.<ref name="bb"/> Many [[genetics|geneticists]] were imprisoned and executed for their ''bourgeois science'', and agricultural policies based on Lysenkoism that were adopted under Stalin and Mao caused famines and the death of millions.<ref name="Lysenkoism"/>