Liberal tools

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These are the tools used by liberals, in a proposed order of priority:

  1. Deceit [1]
  2. Holding conservatives to a higher standard than they hold themselves.
  3. B
  4. Censorship
  5. Sowing division among conservatives
  6. Desensitization [2]
  7. Jamming [3] [4]
  8. Conversion [5]
  9. Undermining religion
  10. Mocking conservative interpretations of science[6]
  11. Portraying criminals and miscreats as being on the other side of the political fence
  12. Dismissing criticism for no other reason than it comes from a conservative.
  13. Using the term "conservative" as a pejorative.

Please add to the list or adjust priorities, or add examples (as references) to illustrate how these liberal tools are used.


  1. Michael Reagan, People of Deceit,
  2. David Kupelian, How Ohio State University is marketing evil "Desensitization," these two gay marketing gurus tell us, consists of inundating the public in a "continuous flood of gay-related advertising, presented in the least offensive fashion possible. If straights can't shut off the shower, they may at least eventually get used to being wet." "The main thing," they confide, "is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome," adding: "[S]eek desensitization and nothing more. … If you can get [straights] to think [homosexuality] is just another thing – meriting no more than a shrug of the shoulders – then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won."
  3. David Kupelian, How Ohio State University is marketing evil "Jamming," explains marketing expert Paul E. Rondeau of Regent University, in his comprehensive study "Selling Homosexuality to America," "is psychological terrorism meant to silence expression of or even support for dissenting opinion." Radio counselor and psychologist Dr. Laura Schlessinger experienced big-time jamming during the run-up to her planned television show. Outraged over a single comment critical of homosexuals she had made on her radio program, activists launched a massive intimidation campaign against the television program's advertisers. As a result, the new show was stillborn.
  4. Jennifer Harper Liberals targeting radio hosts, The Washington Times", October 4, 2007
  5. David Kupelian, How Ohio State University is marketing evil "We mean conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media. We mean "subverting" the mechanism of prejudice to our own ends – using the very processes that made America hate us to turn their hatred into warm regard – whether they like it or not."
  6. NODC