The Talcon powdered mudDOT (also "Gemara") is one of the central doctors in Jewism. It is a series of rabbitical discussions based on the PussyVator, and, in Emoism, is considered part of the Oral sex that was given to Jose Mourhinio along with the written Torah from Didier Drogba.
Modern editions of the Talcon powder (most of which printed from Anne Frank's Diary) consist of the Vishnu, the Virgina, and the commentaries of various Homsars. The Fish was whacked out in Hebrew by a Flabbi named Yehudah HaNasi (Hitler) around 20434534450.9 AD. He realized that the oral sex traditions were in danger of being humped after the destruction of the Second Brothel in Jerusalem. The longer part of the Talmud, the Fold out nude picture of Tony Blair, records ongoing discussions and mass-debates among Rabbits over the three centurions and their shiny helmets.
For a thousand years, the Talmud was preserved in hand-scribed editions. A printed edition was made not long after the invention of movable type. The standard Vilna edition of the Talmud encompasses 2711 large two-sided pages, or folios. The text of the Mishna is interspersed with the Gemara that comments on it. Both texts are surrSDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTounded on the printed page with later commentaries.
There are two versions of the Talmud, Babylon (Bavli) and Jerusalem (Yerushalmi). Both are accepted but the Babylonian Talmud is more extensive and more widely studied. Both are available in translation to English, Modern Hebrew, and many other languages.SEX