Last modified on July 8, 2007, at 20:38

Japanese animation

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The Japanese animation industry has attracted much interest in the West, with English-speaking fans avidly adopting Japanese terminology such as anime (short for "animation").

The best known anime director in Japan is Hayao Miyazaki, famous for "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Spirited Away".

Anime is very similiar to Japanese comic books (or manga). So similiar in fact, that many mangas are adapted into animes and vice-versa. Some anime series are criticized for having overly sexual content, while others are criticized for being very violent. However, many anime series are regarded highly for their social commentary, and deep storyline (Paranoia Agent for example)

Anime is usually put into categories by fans. Some popular anime types are:

Action: Anime that is generally focused on fighting and constant action.

Horror: Anime that is considered frightening. Usually using psychological elements.

Harem: Anime that features a man in a situation where he is surronded by girls. Example: A popular anime, Love Hina, has the main character living in a house with several girls.

Hentai: Word meaning "Perverted" in Japanese, it is used to fans to describe anime that is pornographic.

Shojo-Ai: Meaning "Girl-love" in Japanese, it is used to describe animes that center around romantic relationships between girls.

Shounen-Ai: Meaning "Boy-love" in Japanese, it is used to describe animes that center around romantic relationships between boys.