World History Homework Nine Answers - Student 9

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1.Now that you've taken the midterm exam, how might you improve when you take the final exam at the end of this course?

When I take the final exam, I think that to improve my score I should spend more time studying and start studying even earlier. By doing this, it will give my brain more time to soak up the information. If I stick to a strict studying schedule I know that I can get an even better score on my final.


2.Summarize the French Revolution.

The French Revolution was a rebellion of the common people versus the nobles as well as religious leaders. The common people killed the aristocrats by means of the guillotine. This Revolution began much like our American Revolution, but ended up in disaster. The French Revolution left France, which at one time was one of the world's leading powers, in complete chaos and corruption. This Revolution also set the stage for a great conqueror named Napoleon to take control of France and other nations.

Superb analysis, could add the time period: the French Revolution began in 1789.

4.Add three terms and descriptions to the "World History Study Guide from 1648" (the one for the second half of this course). If you add five terms and descriptions, then that will be credit for two questions.

Oliver Cromwell: (1599-1658) He was an English soldier, statesman, and leader of the Puritan revolution.

The Reconquista: (722-1492 AD) This was the recapturing by Christians of Spain and Portugal, which was under Muslim control.

Otto von Bismarck :(1815-1898) He was the minister president of Prussia (1862–71), and the first chancellor of the German Empire (1871–90). Known as the "Iron Chancellor".

Victor Marie Hugo: (1802-1885) He is considered one of the greatest Romanticist poets. He was a French man who wrote the classics Cromwell (1827), The Hunchback of Notre Dame of Paris (1831) and Les Miserables (1862).

Bartholomew Diaz: (circa1450 - May 29, 1500) He was a Portuguese navigator who discovered the route to India.

Economics of Sale: The decrease in a firm's long-run average costs as the size of its production increases.

Very good, worth 2 answers in terms of credit.

6.Comment on music or art history.

The revolutions which art and music went through in the early 1800's really characterized the changes that the world as a whole was going through. The ideas of democracy and the common man were very influential in all forms of world government and thus crept into the world of art. By artistically expressing these new ideas, people were better able to express themselves and to portray their ideas to others in a changing world.

Excellent answer again.

7.What is your view of Napoleon? In your answer, discuss some of his achievements.

In my opinion Napoleon was a great leader who helped to get France back on its feet after the French Revolution in 1799. In the year 1802, Napoleon had already accomplished a great deal for France. He signed peace treaties, reformed taxation, established a national bank, established the Napoleonic Code and set up a public school system. Thus concrete set of organization was just what France needed after such a period of upheaval and unrest.


9.Describe the Congress of Vienna and its significance.

The Congress of Vienna took place in Vienna, Austria in response to the aftermath of Napoleon's defeat. Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, Russia and France all attended and formed an alliance called the Concert of Europe. A lasting peace in Europe resulted, and France lost its power while Great Britain and Prussia gained power. However, the greatest significance of the Congress of Vienna was that nationalism grew in Europe. Unfortunately this later resulted in the most destructive wars the world has ever seen.

Superb answer, one of the best in the class.

Alexa W

Grade: 70/70. Very good work.--Andy Schlafly 10:18, 20 November 2011 (EST)