Hromadske TV

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Hromadske TV media is one of the most-watched networks in Ukraine. Hromadske is funded by the Dutch and US Embassies in Kyiv, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Endowment for Democracy, and Free Press Unlimited. Silicon Valley oligarch Pierre Omidary was also involved in creating the outlet.[1]

Maidan coup

Obama regime ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt arrived in Kyiv on August 3, 20213. Almost immediately Pyatt authorized a grant for Hromadske TV, which would prove essential to building the Euromaidan street demonstrations against Ukraine's democratically elected president, Victor Yanukovych. The grant was only $43,737, with an additional $4,796 by November 13, 2013, enough to buy the modest equipment the project needed.

Many of Hromadske's journalists had worked in the past with American benefactors. Editor-in-chief Roman Skrypin was a frequent contributor to Washington's Radio Free Europe / Radio Libertyand the US-funded Ukrayinska Pravda. In 2004, he had helped create Channel 5 television, which played a major role in the Orange Revolution that the US and its European allies masterminded in 2004.

Skrypin had already gotten $10,560 from George Soros's International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), which came as a recommendation from Pyatt. Sometime between December 2013 and the following April, IRF would give Hromadske another $19,183.

Hromadske's biggest funding in that period came from the Embassy of the Netherlands, which gave $95,168. As a departing US envoy to the Hague said in a secret cable that Wikileaks later made public, "Dutch pragmatism and our similar world-views make the Netherlands fertile ground for initiatives others in Europe might be reluctant, at least initially, to embrace."[2]

For Pyatt, the payoff came on November 21, 2013 when President Yanukovych pulled back from an Association Agreement with the European Union. Within hours Hromadske TV went online and its journalists set the spark that brought Yanukovych down. Soros then funded a Ukrainian Crisis Media Center "to inform the international community about events in Ukraine."[3]

Donbas war

See also: Donbas war

Hromadske hosted Ukrainian Nazi journalist Bogdan Boutkevitch[4] during the Maidan coup, demanding genocide of ethnic Russians. Boutkevitch said that Donbas,

"is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. Trust me I know what I am saying. If we take, for example, just Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of them are superfluous. We don't need to "understand" Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests. Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. I don't claim to have a quick solution recipe, but the most important thing that must be done - no matter how cruel it may sound, there is a certain category of people that MUST BE EXTERMINATED."[5]

Ukraine propaganda war

See also: Ukraine propaganda war

During NATO's war in Ukraine, Maria Avdeeva, a misinformation specialist and director at the European Expert Association, shared a tweet that appeared to show Russians indiscriminately shelling residential areas.[6] However, the building targeted in the video is a known base for the Azov Battalion. Hromadske previously reported that the group "occupied the building of the regional administration and acted as a local 'Self-Defense' known as 'Sect 82'. In 2014, on the basis of the 'Sect,' a 'Schidna Corps' was formed—a volunteer formation that was incorporated into the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was supposed to protect Kharkiv in the event of a war on its territory. Kyiv regime Interior Minister Arsen Avakov called the corps 'his black hundred in Kharkiv.'"[7]
