Biden's age

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Joe Biden in 2013.

Joe Biden (born November 20, 1942) is turning 77 in November 2019. He will be nearly 78 years old on Election Day 2020.

According to the British Medical Journal, "The brain’s capacity for memory, reasoning and comprehension skills (cognitive function) can start to deteriorate from age 45, finds research published on today."[1] See also: Cognitive decline and diet

According to Politico:

The New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, CNN, the Atlantic, the Associated Press, Slate and just about every other.. outlet you can name has crossed the ageism line to ask the “too old” question in recent articles about Joe Biden, age 76, often in the headline itself.

...after tallying Biden’s repeated stumbles, miscues and mental lapses, journalists tend to retreat from calling Biden too infirm to run the White House. The greater press taboo, it seems, isn’t asking the question about Biden but answering it.[2]

Matthew Walther, a national correspondent for The Week, wrote about Biden's age:

These days, Biden is confused about everything and everyone virtually all the time... He routinely says things that are absolute gibberish... These are not ordinary slips of the tongue. They are signs of cognitive decline that will be familiar to anyone who, like me, spends a good deal of time in the company of people who are roughly Biden's age."[3]

After Biden’s poor performance in Iowa, a Democratic county chair told The New York Times, "He’s pressing against Father Time, who is a very tough competitor."[4]

Biden's age and voters

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight wrote about Bidens's age:

A lot of rank-and-file voters do have concerns about Biden’s age. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll] in February found that 62 percent of voters had reservations about voting for someone aged 75 or older. Other polls have also shown advanced age to be a concern among Democrats, Republicans and independents alike.[5]

Biden's age: Donald Trump and members of the Democratic Party statements

CNN's Chris Cuomo recently declared that President Donald Trump isn't aging as fast as past U.S. presidents.[6]

President Donald Trump has called Joe Biden "sleepy" and said that "he looks different than he used to, he acts different than he used to, he’s even slower than he used to be".[7]

Politico also indicated about Joe Biden's age:

Donald Trump isn’t subtle about telegraphing what he believes is his best line of attack against Joe Biden: the Democratic front-runner’s advanced age.

But Democrats are beginning to publicly talk about it themselves. In overt and indirect ways, questions about the former vice president’s age and vigor are increasingly surfacing within his own party, fueled by the former vice president’s relatively light campaign schedule and attempts to limit his public exposure. If elected, Biden would be 78 upon entering the White House — making him the oldest president ever to take the office.

“It’s the 78-year-old elephant in the room,” said Miami-based consultant and pollster Fernand Amandi, who consulted for the Obama-Biden campaigns in 2008 and 2012 and is unaffiliated with any 2020 campaign.[8]

CNN's Chris Cuomo recently declared that President Donald Trump isn't aging as fast as past U.S. presidents.[9]

Biden's age and his propensity to make more gaffes later in the day

Joe Biden in 2009.

The Hill reported:

Allies to Joe Biden have been floating the idea of altering the former vice president's schedule in an effort to reduce the gaffes he has made in recent days.

The allies, growing increasingly nervous about Biden's verbal flubs, have said it's an approach that's been suggested to campaign officials on the heels of the former vice president’s stumbles.

Biden has a tendency to make the blunders late in the day, his allies say, particularly after a long swing on the road, like he had last week in Iowa. They say something needs to be done to give the candidate more down time as the campaign intensifies in the fall.

"He needs to be a strong force on the campaign trail, but he also has to pace himself," said one ally who has talked to members of the campaign team and others in the broader Biden World about how to move forward...

Biden’s age — he’ll be 77 in November — has been seen by some as a liability ever since he launched his campaign earlier this year. While he has been billed by those around him as the most electable Democrat to take on President Trump next year, some wonder if he has the zeal to compete.

“A lot of people are nervous that he’s lost some of his mojo,” said one major Democratic donor. “They’re getting nervous about him going toe to toe with Trump. But the problem is, there doesn’t seem to be an alternative.”[10]

United States, United Kingdom and cognitive decline

See also: Cognitive decline and diet

In the United States, dementia and Alzheimer's disease is the #2 cause of death [11] In Japan, which has a longer life expectancy than the United States and has a populace that eats a healthier diet, dementia and Alzheimers diseases is the #14 cause of death.[12] See: Cognitive decline and diet

Medical science indicates that diet plays a significant role in terms preventing cognitive decline (see: Cognitive decline and diet).[13][14]

According to the British Medical Journal, "The brain’s capacity for memory, reasoning and comprehension skills (cognitive function) can start to deteriorate from age 45, finds research published on today."[15] In the United Kingdom, dementia and Alzheimer's disease are the second leading cause of death.[16] Cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer's disease are progressive conditions that happen over time.[17]

According to the National Institute of Aging, "Memory problems are typically one of the first signs of cognitive impairment related to Alzheimer’s disease. Some people with memory problems have a condition called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In MCI, people have more memory problems than normal for their age, but their symptoms do not interfere with their everyday lives."[18]

In the United States, dementia and Alzheimer's disease is the #2 cause of death [19] In Japan, which has a longer life expectancy than the United States and has a populace that eats a healthier diet, dementia and Alzheimers diseases is the #14 cause of death.[20] In 2014, The Washington Post indicated that a new study indicated that Alzheimer's disease was the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States, but this study did not include dementia as well.[21]

Joe Biden, his unresolved struggles with grief and cognitive decline

See also: Joe Biden, grief and cognitive decline

Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and other Clinton administration officials.

Joe Biden's life has been greatly shaped by grief and he indicated that he has "wounds that don't ever really heal".[22][23][24]

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry in a journal article entitled Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons indicated that individuals with prolonged grief disorder (PGD) compared with a reference group "showed a decrease in global cognitive function".[25] See: Prolonged grief disorder and cognitive decline

Joe Biden's life greatly shaped by grief and his unresolved emotional wounds

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry in a journal article entitled Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons indicated that individuals with prolonged grief disorder (PGD) compared with a reference group "showed a decrease in global cognitive function".[26] See: Prolonged grief disorder and cognitive decline

A study indicated that individuals with prolonged grief syndrome showed a decrease in global cognitive function over time compared to a control group.[27]

Politico in an article entited How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’ indicates:

There is no person in American politics today whose life has been so shaped by loss and grief. The long arc of Biden’s career is all but bracketed by tragedy. In 1972, his wife and baby daughter were killed in a car accident; in 2015, one of his two sons who had survived the crash died of a rare strain of brain cancer. These wretched tentpoles are not only tragedies the 76-year-old Biden has had to endure. They influenced major decisions he made about his political career—first, his priorities in the Senate; later, his decision to opt out of the presidential election of 2016. And they defined him as a person as well, according to longtime friends, former aides and veteran politicos in his home state of Delaware.[28]

The Washington Post states concerning Biden: "In a candid 2012 speech to military families and friends who had lost a loved one in action, Biden spoke about the anger, crisis of faith and wounds that don't really ever heal."[29]

The Associated Press indicates concerning Biden:

After the accident, Biden had no interest in the Senate anymore. No ambition for anything, really. His world view shrank to taking care of his boys.

“For the first time in my life, I understood how someone could consciously decide to commit suicide,” he would later reveal.

Biden didn’t just have to deal with grief. He had the added burden of processing it in public. [30]

Medical journal: Unresolved/prolonged grief and cognitive decline

Bereavement can result in unresolved/prolonged grief, which is often called prolonged grief disorder (PGD).[31]

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry in a journal article entitled Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons

Compared with the reference group, participants with PGD showed a decrease in global cognitive function, MMSE scores, and World learning test (immediate and delayed) over time. Participants with normal grief did not show a stronger cognitive decline in any of cognitive tests than the reference group.[32]

Biden's inappropriate touching of women/children, explicit sexual imagery, depression and smaller brain volumes

See also: Joe Biden's inappropriate touching of women/children, explicit sexual imagery, depression and cognitive decline

The Washington Post calls Biden "Creepy Uncle Joe" for his habit of groping wives and children.

There have been numerous reports and film photage of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women and children (see: Creepy Uncle Joe meme).

An article entitled New Survey of Porn use: Men and women watching in startling numbers declares:

According to the research approximately 64 percent, or two thirds, of U.S. men admit to viewing porn at least monthly, with the number of Christian men nearly equaling the national average. When divided by age "eight out of ten (79%) men between the ages of 18 and 30 view pornography at least monthly, and two thirds (67%) of men between the ages of 31 and 49 view pornography at least monthly. One half of men between 50 and 68 looks at porn monthly."[33]

Men who watch a lot of pornography, according to a study out of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, have smaller brain volumes.[34]

They study did not determine whether men who watch a lot of pornography have smaller brains to start with or whether the volume of their brains has shrunk over time.[35] reported on the Max Planck Institute for Human Development study:

Both alcoholism and depression shrink the same brain areas that were found to be smaller in porn watchers in the current study. Depressed people are less likely to be in a relationship, and may therefore have fewer sexual opportunities in real life and more time on their hands to look at sexual content. In that instance, it may be the underlying depression, not the porn itself, altering the brain, Prause said.[36]

As far as grief and unresolved emotional pain, as noted above, Joe Biden's life has been greatly shaped by grief and he indicated that he has "wounds that don't ever really heal".[37][38][39]


  1. Cognitive decline can begin as early as age 45, warn experts, British Medical Journal press release
  2. Is Joe Biden Too Old?
  3. What will it take for the Democratic establishment to abandon Biden? by Matthew Walther, The Week
  4. Can Anyone Catch Joe Biden? by Lisa Lerer, Sydney Ember and Reid J. Epstein, The New York Times
  5. Voters Care About Biden’s Age — Not About His Gaffes by Nate Silver,FiveThirtyEight
  6. Chris Cuomo attacks Trump for not aging as fast as past presidents: 'Care more, sleep less', Washington Times
  7. Is Joe Biden ‘Too Old’? EDWARD-ISAAC DOVERE, The Atlantic
  8. It’s not just Trump questioning Biden’s age. Democrats are, too., Politico
  9. Chris Cuomo attacks Trump for not aging as fast as past presidents: 'Care more, sleep less', Washington Times
  10. Biden allies float scaling back events to limit gaffes, The Hill
  12. Japan life expectancy
  13. Don’t buy into brain health supplements, Harvard Health Publishing
  14. 15 simple diet tweaks that could cut your Alzheimer's risk
  15. Cognitive decline can begin as early as age 45, warn experts, British Medical Journal press release
  17. Alzheimer's Disease Fact Sheet
  19. Japan life expectancy
  20. New study ranks Alzheimer’s as third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer, Washington Post, 2014
  21. Is Joe Biden Too Old?
  22. Joe Biden’s heartfelt speech on grief, Washington Post
  23. Biden’s prism of loss: A public man, shaped by private grief, Associated Press
  24. Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
  25. Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
  26. Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
  27. How Grief Became Joe Biden’s ‘Superpower’
  28. Joe Biden’s heartfelt speech on grief, Washington Post
  29. Biden’s prism of loss: A public man, shaped by private grief, Associated Press
  30. Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
  31. Prolonged Grief and Cognitive Decline: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Middle-Aged and Older Persons
  33. Porn may have negative effects on the male cognitive function
  34. Porn may have negative effects on the male cognitive function
  35. Porn Shrink Your Brain?, Livescience/com
  36. Is Joe Biden Too Old?
  37. Joe Biden’s heartfelt speech on grief, Washington Post
  38. Biden’s prism of loss: A public man, shaped by private grief, Associated Press