Counterexamples to Obama being a Muslim

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Very few Muslims eat pork and drink alcohol as the Koran does not permit it.

There are are a number of counterexamples to Obama being a Muslim.

Obama's public eating of pork and drinking of alcohol

Barack Obama has been seen eating pork (Spam) and drinking alcohol. [1][2] Very few Muslims eat pork and drink alcohol as the Koran does not permit it (Koran 2:173; 2:219; 5:90-91; 6:118-119,121).

Obama administration and the homosexual agenda

Obama and the Obama administration has aggressively promoted the homosexual agenda via public policy and public statements. There is not a single Muslim country in the world that permits the homosexual agenda to be promoted.

Obama, liberal Christianity and liberalism

For many years, Obama attended a liberal Christianity church of a liberal Protestant variety which taught liberation theology. His daughter was baptised in this church.

Libaral Christianity and religious syncretism and universalism

Obama is a liberal. Liberals often practice religious syncretism and are often universalists (or near universalists) who believe that there are many religious roads to heaven and few if any people go to Hell. So while Obama may be sympathetic to Islam due to his upbringing as a child, this does not necessarily mean he is a Muslim.

Liberals are often anti-Israel

While it is true that Muslims are commonly anti-Israel, leftists/liberals are also frequently anti-Israel.

Staunch liberalism and Obama's absence at Scalia's and Nancy Reagan's funerals

Obama has consistently showed himself to the be a staunch liberal and is arguably the farthest left president the United States has ever had. Unlike Ronald Reagan who had a cordial relationship with Tip O'Neil, Obama rarely engages in bipartisanship and rarely (if ever) fraternizes with conservatives and frequently expresses loathing of conservatives/conservatism.

Obama openly wept at the funeral of Senator Daniel Inouye who was a United Methodist

Obama's absence at the funerals of Antonin Scalia and Nancy Reagan is best explained by his antipathy towards conservatives and not antipathy to those who call themselves Christians. Obama did attend funerals where the departed had professed to be Christians during their lifetimes. He openly wept at the funeral of Senator Daniel Inouye who was a United Methodist (Some United Methodists practice theological liberalism while others are religious conservatives).[3][4]

Obama administration and atheist organizations

Liberal Christians and atheists sometimes work together on various public policy issues (see: Atheism and liberal Christianity alliances).

There is significant conflict between atheism and Islam and Islamic governments imprison/censure atheists and Islamic zealots kill atheists (see: Atheism vs. Islam). Muslims generally have a very low opinion of atheism. The Obama administration is the first administration to met with an atheist group. It meet with the Secular Coalition for America which is a coalition which represents the American Atheists, the American Humanist Association, and the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers.[5]

Obama, Islam and dogs

Muslims commonly (though not all Muslims) have a very low opinion of dogs and consider them impure due to their interpretation of the Koran. For example, the International Business Times reported in 2014: "Owning a dog in Iran could result in 74 lashes under a new law passed by the Iranian government." [6] Obama's family owns a dog.
