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1,005 bytes added, 02:54, June 20, 2022
Australia is the #3 producer of [[gold]] in the world, narrowly behind only the much larger [[China]] and [[Russia]], and its mining of that and many additional rare minerals make it an attractive target of aggression by China.
|chancellor =
|chancellor-raw =
|pm =Scott Morrison[[Anthony Albanese]]
|pm-raw =
|area =2,988,888 sq mi
In October 2021, under Australia's mostly leftwing government, citizens and residents were held prisoner in their own country by the government. Masks and vaccines were mandatory, and citizens even had to report their whereabouts to government. The world's top tennis player was detained and deported in January 2022 and thereby prevented from competing in the Australian Open, merely because he was not vaccinated.
Australia is the #3 producer of [[gold]] in the world, narrowly behind only the much larger [[China]] and [[Russia]],<ref></ref> and its mining of that and many additional rare minerals make it an attractive target of aggression by China.<ref>"Australia produces 19 useful minerals in significant amounts, from over 350 operating mines. ... Australia is one of the world's leading producers of bauxite (aluminum ore), iron ore, lithium, gold, lead, diamond, rare earth elements, uranium, and zinc. Australia also has large mineral sand deposits of ilmenite, zircon and rutile. In addition, Australia produces large quantities of black coal, manganese, antimony, nickel, silver, cobalt, copper and tin. Mining occurs in all states of Australia, the Northern Territory and Christmas Island." []</ref>
[[File:Sydney harbour bridge.jpg|thumb|370px|Sydney Harbour Bridge.]]
Bush fires often ravage the southern states - one of the worst occurring on Ash Wednesday in 1983 when over 2,000 homes were destroyed and over 70 people lost their lives in Victoria and South Australia. In 2009 severe fires hit much of Victoria, worsened by hot dry winds and a severe drought.
Water is somewhat scarce and some cities have forms of water restrictions in place, especially during the Summer months.
====Flora and fauna====
Leftwing fascist Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, outlined the rules and regulations for opening society back up after almost a year of total [[lockdown]]. The futile attempt to block the COVID-19 virus through a policy known as “COVID-ZERO” was abandoned. The new approach was to open up society and the economy by forcing everyone to take the vaccine, and then allowing only the vaccinated to participate in the [[economy]] as varying percentages of the population are double-vaxxed, and admittedly, later, booster-vaxxed.
Vaccination passports will be or exemptions are required to work, shop, attend events and essentially live in the [[New World Order]] Premier Daniel Andrews created for the citizens of Victoria. The day after Andrews outlined the new rules – the [[working class]], who were locked down and compliant to this point, finally had enough.
On September 20, 2021 a large group of members of the biggest trade union in Australia, the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), went to CFMEU headquarters to confront their leadership, CFMEU Secretary John Setka. Their demand was to have their voices heard and use the power of the trade union to stop the Victorian government overreach. The union members wanted their leadership to block the new vaccine mandate and stop the creation of a two-tiered society as outlined by fascist fuhrer Dan Premier Daniel Andrews.
However, regional union secretary John Setka turned a deaf ear to the concerns of his members and would not listen. Angry at his members Setka asked, “What do you want me to do, shut it down?“, meaning use the power of the union -strike if necessary- to push back against the government. The members said “yes”, exactly that. However, union boss Setka was unwilling as it appears he’s in alignment with the objectives of the socialist Premier. Steka surrounded himself with thugs and bodyguards while turning against hundreds of his own members. The police arrived and used rubber bullets, tear gas, and riot units to dispel the crowd.
* Economic and political stability
* And a A good and stable financial and legal system.
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