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Deep state coup 1.0

441 bytes added, 23:28, July 9, 2021
/* FusionGPS */
[[File:20180710 NATO Expenditure-3.jpg|right|350px|thumb|NATO spending in 2018.]]
Brennan recruited a network of retired American and foreign intelligence operatives headquartered in [[London]], so-called "informants" or "outside contiguous US ''lures''" (''oconus lures''), people who wanted the US taxpayer to continue the gravy train of [[NATO]] defense spending for another generation, although [[Millennial]]s are hard pressed to identify what NATO is,<ref></ref> how it came into existence, and why it continues to exist 25 years after the collapse of [[Soviet]] [[communism]]. Nor why European [[Welfare state|social democracies]] enjoy free healthcare while Americans do not, because Americans pay Europeans' defense costs.<ref>"Of course, military spending is higher in the US than in Europe, even today when defense spending in the US is low by
post Second World War standards. Western Europe since the Second World War has been a “free rider” on the defense provided by the US. That is, if the US did not have to spend more on defense in order to defend Western Europe from the Soviet threats, the difference in the overall size of government between Europe and the US would be even larger." -Even at the time this paper was written, the "Soviet threats' had ceased to exist for a decade. Racist Democrats now see the "Russian threat" in nationalist terms, or a genetic predisposition to violence rather than an ideological conflict, although [[Authoritarianism|authoritarian]] communists in America often accuse Russians of being authoritarian or communist. </ref>
For this, the Russian bogeyman is needed, and because the Obama administration failed to live up to the Clinton-era commitment to defend Ukraine in exchange for relinquishing nukes, and in the event of Russian annexation. The Clinton-era [[State Department]] promise wasn't worth the paper it was written on, ratified by the Obama administration making the U.S. word in international agreements useless.<ref>The committment to defend [[Poland]] in 1919 at the [[Treaty of Versailles]] was honored by [[Britain]] and [[France]] twenty years later in 1939 when [[Hitler]] invaded; the commitment to defend [[Ukraine]] was guaranteed by the Clinton administration in 1994 (Budapest Protocols) if Ukraine gave up its nukes as its only deterrent against a [[Russian]] invasion. Twenty years later in 2014 Obama did nothing when the agreement was violated. Both Obama and the Clintons deceived Ukrainians, and did permanent damage to America's [[diplomatic]] prestige and credibility to honor its [[treaty]] commitments in the world.</ref>
President Obama's agreement to approve the illegal actions taken against Donald Trump and the Trump campaign were primarily motivated by a wish to destroy his candidacy and, after Trump's election, delegitimize the Trump presidency in much the same way Obama felt Trump delegitimized Ohama's presidency with Trump's promotion of the [[Birther movement]].
The [[FISA Act]] was passed in 1978 on recommendation of the Church Committee specifically to protect the civil rights of people such as Obama's mentor [[Frank Marshall Davis]] and Obama's neighbors who got Obama started in politics, [[Bill Ayers]] and [[Bernardine Dohrn]]. Both regaled Obama with tales of FBI surveillance and harassment in the pre-FISA age, which had thwarted the communist revolution in America. On becoming Presidentpresident, Obama was determined to seize control of the institutions and apparatus that had frustrated generations of communist revolutionaries and turn them against Obama's imaginary enemies.
Not since the election of [[Abraham Lincoln]], has an outgoing administration sought to undermine and sabotage an incoming president.
The [[Washington DC]] federal civil service is dominated by Democratic party, and [[Democratic Socialist]] operatives. These people are principally schooled in [[Marxist–Leninist]] theories of a professional career bureaucracy. They have no respect for democracy or democratic rights.
The issue goes beyond partisanship. It has been evident , at least since the [[American Civil War]] and its aftermath, [[Reconstruction]], Democrats believe Republicans are not the political opposition, but rather the enemy. Democrats do not believe "politics ends at the water's edge." Democrats will align with anyone, communists, jihadis, foreign or domestic, so long as they agree that the Republican party is a threat to "[[national security]]". The modern Democratic party seeks, not to stigmatize or ostracize [[big government]] and [[welfare state]] dissenters, but rather to outlaw political opposition.
Democrats have "a higher loyalty", not to God or country, but to a secular ideology and a political party. This loyalty guides career choices into journalism, media, broadcasting, civil service, and public office. From these commonalities an unholy alliance is born between civil servants, elected officials, and media. They keep each other employed. Republicans who seek to limit the size of government are a threat to both. "Leakers" in the civil service give journalists, and party activists across the nation, a sense of mission and purpose. With the intelligence community expansion and re-organization after the 9/11 Commission Report, and then the election of an openly "[[Progressive]]" president, for the first time since the [[Red_ScareRed Scare#Palmer_raidsPalmer raids|Palmer Raids]] of the 1920s, [[Marxists]] took control of America's federal [[law enforcement]] and intelligence services. It was no surprise what transpired once they took control.
Amendments to the FISA Act (known as Patriot Act II) in 2006, intended to be used against [[Al Qaeda]], other terrorist groups, criminal organizations and drug cartels, were used by President Obama against the Republican party. (This follows Marxist class theory. Since Republicans are considered the "oppressor class", criminal gangs, drug cartels, and jihadis are Democrat "class allies". In the Soviet [[gulag]], for example, political prisoners were called "enemies of the people," whereas common thieves, who were considered victims of the oppressor propertied class, were considered "socially friendly" non-party members or "social allies" of the class revolution). In the Democrat/Marxist mindset, the Republicans, "class enemies" are a threat to national security, and not rogue regimes, terrorist organizations, drug cartels, or jihadis who are among the "oppressed" and their "class allies".
Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying [[Spygate]]—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:<ref>[ DOJ Political Surveillance – From the IRS in 2011 to the FISA Court in 2016], Posted on March 8, 2020 by sundance.</ref>
1. CIA Director [[John Brennan]], with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence [[James Clapper]], gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
===Obama's Oval Office meeting===
During the transition Obama held a secret meeting with [[James Clapper]], [[John Brennan]], [[James Comey]], [[Sally Yates]], [[Susan Rice]] and [[Vice President Biden]] in the [[Oval Office]]. The ''[[Clinton-Steele dossier]]'' was discussed.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Susan Rice made a note of the meeting. {{Quotebox|President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities "by the book". The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.<br><br>From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.<br><br>[Redacted section]<br><br>The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."<ref></ref>}}At the conclusion of the briefing, Obama held Yates and Comey aside. The 90-day surveillance period under the secret [[FISA]] warrant had just over two weeks remaining and was set to expire just as Trump was taking office. The [[Obama administration]] was facing a deadline if the secret FISA warrant was to be extended beyond Obama's term of office. They needed to figure out how the investigation could continue after Trump was sworn in as president. Rice's “by the book” comment is transparent: Obama claimed to adhere to a book that forbade consultation between political officials and civil service investigators. But here they were consulting. So Rice tried to cover their tracks in her CYA email: She makes it appear that the consultation is a mere friendly reminder that Obama wanted everything done by the book.<ref> </ref>
The next morning Dir. Brennan released an unclassified version of the ''Joint Analysis Report'',<ref>also referred to as the ICA or ''Intelligence Community Assessment''</ref> a joint Comey, Clapper and Brennan document consisting of recycled reports on [[Russia Today]] (RT) with 2 pages of sexual innuendo from the ''Clinton-Steele dossier''. NSA Dir. [[Adm. Mike Rogers]] dissented from the report.<ref>[ ]</ref> The ''[[Washington Post]]'' was assured that "the sources involved in the [Clinton-Steele dossier's] reporting were credible enough to warrant inclusion in the highly classified [presidential] report.”<ref></ref> Brennan however in later public testimony said the dossier and its sources ''were not'' credible enough to incorporate in the ''Joint Analysis Report''. Brennan swore that the ''Clinton-Steele dossier'' did not “in any way” factor into the [[CIA]]'s assessment that Russia interfered in the election to help Trump. The classified version of Comey, Clapper and Brennan's ''Joint Analysis Report'' congressional investigators found contradicted Brennan's sworn testimony. Furthermore, Brennan never received any intelligence reporting from allied intelligence bureaus as he repeatedly claimed, which he supposedly passed along to the FBI, which became the supposed "legal" basis of opening a foreign counterintelligence investigation on American citizens in July 2016.<ref> </ref>
===Comey's blackmail attempt===
The Obama administration for the first time since the [[Watergate]] reforms of the 1970s successfully carried out what [[Richard Nixon]] attempted but failed to do - use the FBI and CIA to spy on, harass, and violate the civil rights of domestic political opponents. Comey did not inform Trump of the FISA surveillance on the Trump campaign and transition team - [[Carter Page]], Paul Manafort, [[Michael Cohen]], [[Mike Flynn]] and others, only the manufactured sexual innuendo by [[Hillary Clinton]]'s hirelings. According to Comey, he acted on the instructions of Brennan and Clapper,
<ref></ref> and not President Obama after the prior day's Oval Office meeting.<ref> </ref>The Clinton-supporters'-produced material "was the part that the leaders of the [[intelligence community]] agreed [Trump] needed to be told about because we knew it and thought it was about to become public."<ref> </ref>
[[File:Schindler Jan 12.png|right|350px|thumb|Langley's 7th floor is a reference to CIA headquarters.]]
James Clapper [[leak]]ed details of the ''[[Clinton-Steele dossier]]'' to [[CNN]]’s [[Jake Tapper]] on or before January 6, 2017. Clapper briefed CNN on the dossier before FBI director [[James Comey]] briefed President-elect Trump.
Clapper then directed Comey to brief President-elect Trump on the dossier on January 6, 2017. From Comey’s memos: "I said there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to the PE [President-Elect] about alone or in a very small group. I then executed the session exactly as I had planned." Comey specifically told President-elect Trump that “CNN had them and were looking for a news hook.” That CNN already had the dossier – and specifically wanted a rationale to publish – was Comey and Clapper's entire reasoning in briefing President-elect Trump. It was a set-up.<ref> </ref>
Clapper specifically instructed Comey to only brief President Trump on the “salacious details”. Comey's briefing of President-elect Trump created the very excuse for CNN to run the story.</small></ref><ref> </ref> The Clinton opposition research was broadcast to the public as some sort of official "intelligence report" with mysterious origins that the Obama administration was acting on. Simultaneously Clinton campaign chairman [[John Podesta]] was meeting secretly with [[FusionGPS]] boss [[Glenn Simpson]]. FusionGPS was paid $1,024,408 to create the false allegations.<ref></ref> Trump responded {{quotebox|"I win an election easily, a great "movement" is verified, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with [[Fake news|FAKE NEWS]]. A sorry state! … Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in [[Nazi Germany]]?”<ref></ref>}} Trump stated that he was not briefed on the full contents the ''Clinton-Steele dossier'' or its origins. [[NBC News]] independently verified Trump's account,<ref> </ref> as did [[FOX News]].<ref> </ref> Clapper issued a press release moments later stating that he only now, that evening, not four days earlier on January 6, discussed the ''Clinton-Steele dossier'' with Trump.<ref> </ref>
Clapper lied to Congress about the illegal leak to CNN and was rewarded with a job contract from CNN.<ref> </ref>
===Steele dossier a fraud===
[[File:Th (1).jpeg|left|300px|thumb|'''Birds of a feather.''' Rosenstein (center) not part of the original Crossfire Hurricane scheme team, became an accomplice after the firing of Comey by appointing special counsel [[Robert Mueller]], thwarting Congressional subpoenas to cover up Obama administration crimes. In the end McCabe (left) ratted him out.]]
Jake Tapper reported that government sources confirmed it was the wrong "Michael Cohen" who allegedly travelled to [[Prague]] to pay the [[KGB]] to hack into the DNC as the Democrat talking points contend, further debunking the ''Steele dossier''.<ref> </ref> Unauthorized FISA-702 search results were passed on to [[Christopher Steele]] by [[Nellie Ohr]]. Steele used dates and times from electronic surveillance which could be corroborated, then added a fictionalized narrative to give context in the ''[[Clinton-Steele dossier]]''. The dossier was "laundered", then passed back to the FBI to create deniability that the so-called "evidence" did not originate within the FBI from illegal surveillance. Coming from outside the government, it was used as [[probable cause]] in their [[counterintelligence]] investigation. Evidence of the complete illegality of the Obama administration's scheme is in Dir. Comey's willful failure to notify the Congressional [[Gang of Eight]] of the operation.
The allegation against attorney [[Michael Cohen]] in the ''Steele dossier'' is solid evidence of the illegal activities of the Obama Justice Department, FBI, FusionGPS, Clinton campaign and DNC. The dossier alleges Cohen traveled to [[Prague]] in August or early September 2016 to meet with Russian government operatives.
Cohen's defence, that he has never been to Prague,<ref> </ref> is bolstered by other government sources that state the ''Steele dossier'' references a different "Michael Cohen" which could only have come from an illegal [[FISA]] 702 "About" search query. Someone entered the terms "Michael Cohen Travel" into a FISA database, and the search query returned the wrong Michael Cohen with the same year of birth.<ref> </ref> Even the Mueller Report, after two years of looking into this key issue, which was used by the FBI as supposed evidence and leaked publicly to smear the Trump campaign, refuted the claim that Cohen had traveled to Prague.
Proof of laundering the illegal surveillance “search query” results came from that query which was actually a mistake. That mistaken result was passed on to Christopher Steele, and it made its way into the ''Clinton-Steele dossier''. Absent of a FISA search, there's no other way Christopher Steele could identify a random “Michael Cohen” traveling to Prague. The Cohen mistake created a trail from Christopher Steele to the FISA database. [[Robert S. Mueller|Mueller]] and [[Rod Rosenstein|Rosenstein]] later seized Cohen's evidence to cover up FISA abuse.
===Democrat collusion with Russia revealed===
On January 13 Chuck Ross of the ''Daily Caller'' identified the group Hillary Clinton hired - FusionGPS, [[Christopher Steele]]'s employer, and Glenn Simpson its founder - as the same group that colluded with Russia during the [[2016 presidential election|2016 campaign]] to repeal Russian sanctions, the [[Magnitsky Act]].<ref>"to remove the name “Magnitsky” from the Global Magnitsky Act, delay the bills passage, and cast doubt on the Justice Dept.’s version of events prior to the passage of the Magnitsky Act. The defrauded complaintant referred to Simpson, who was hired by the Clinton campaign and DNC as "a professional smear campaigner.” “Glenn Simpson knowingly spread false information on behalf of people connected to the Russian government to try to protect Russian torturers and murderers from consequences.” </ref><ref>Ross's article expounds: The main proponent of that law, a British-American businessman named [[Bill Browder]], tells DC..."Glenn Simpson’s job was to knowingly and dishonestly change the narrative of how Sergei Magnitsky came to die from murder to natural causes, and to change the narrative that Sergei Magnitsky was a criminal and not a whistleblower," ... Magnitsky, who helped Browder investigate many of the corrupt Russian firms, was arrested in Nov. 2008 and accused of engaging in fraud and tax evasion.
Magnitsky was tortured for months in a Russian prison and deprived of medical treatment, all in order to elicit a false confession that he and Browder were engaged in fraud and tax evasion, Browder has alleged. After Magnitsky’s health deteriorated, he was transferred to another jail. There, the lawyer was allegedly beaten with blunt objects by prison guards. He died on Nov. 16, 2009 at the age of 37.
===Flynn frame up===
On February 9, 2016 , the ''New York Times'' reported a fake news narrative that "''Flynn is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office,''"<ref></ref> based upon material gathered by the FISA court warrant. Additionally, the leaking of Flynn's name is a felony.<ref>David Ignatius of the ''Washington Post'' published details of Flynn's phone call with the Russian Ambassador.</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>The leaking of the unmasked identity of a US citizen's name gathered in a foreign intelligence operation is a [[criminal]] and [[civil rights]] violation.</ref>
FBI counterintelligence investigator [[Peter Strzok]] interviewed National Security Advisor Mike Flynn at the White House.<ref></ref> Dir. Comey testified that while Flynn may have had some honest failures of recollection during the interview,<ref> </ref> Strzok concluded in his interview report (FBI form 302) that Flynn did not lie.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
On February 11 an aide to Flynn was denied a security clearance, in effect, the CIA exercising [[veto]] power over the President's management of national security affairs. The action was unprecedented and without cause. Reports say the CIA did not like the aide's attitude toward the agency.<ref>The article continues: "Since no one can take part in the formulation or execution of foreign or defense policy without a high-level security clearance, vetoing the president’s people by denying them clearances trumps the president....the persons who thus took for themselves the prerogative that the American people had entrusted to [President Trump] at the ballot box, chances are 100 percent that they will use that prerogative ever more frequently with regard to anyone else whom they regard as standing in the way of their preferred policies, as a threat to their reputation, or simply as partisan opponents... undermin[ing] nothing less than the self-evident heart of the [[United States Constitution:Article II|Constitution’s Article II]]: The president is the executive branch. All of its employees draw their powers from him and answer to him, not the other way around."</ref> “They believe this is a hit job from inside the CIA on Flynn and the people close to him," because the aide "believes that the CIA doesn’t run the world.”<ref></ref>
===Wiretapping Trump's Oval Office===
On February 2, 2016 , both [[Australia]] and the White House deny they were behind the leak of a phone conversation between Trump and the Australian prime minister which received widespread media reporting critical of President Trump.<ref></ref> On February 6 Trump blamed ‘Obama people’ for leaking details of calls with foreign leaders.<ref></ref>
On February 16 at a press conference, Trump lashed back at the tapping of his [[Oval Office]] phone conversations with other heads of government. Trump says, {{quotebox|"I called, as you know, [[Mexico]]. It was a very, very confidential, classified call... I spoke to the president of Mexico; I had a good call. '''All of a sudden, it's out there for the world to see. It's supposed to be secret. It's supposed to be either confidential or classified, in that case. Same thing with Australia. All of a sudden, people are finding out exactly what took place [in a presidential Oval Office phone call]. The same thing happened with respect to General Flynn. Everybody saw this. And I'm saying -- the first thing I thought of when I heard about it is: How does the press get this information that's classified? How do they do it?''' You know why? Because it's an illegal process and the press should be ashamed of themselves. But more importantly, the people that gave out the information to the press should be ashamed of themselves, really ashamed."<ref></ref>}}
Journalist [[Glenn Greenwald]] said on ''Democracy Now!'', {{quotebox|"to urge that the CIA and the intelligence community empower itself to undermine the elected branches of government is [[insanity]]. That is a prescription for destroying [[democracy]] overnight in the name of saving it. And yet that’s what so many, not just neocons, but the neocons’ allies in the Democratic Party, are now urging and cheering. And it’s incredibly warped and dangerous to watch them do that."<ref></ref>}}
''Politico'' reported {{quotebox|“Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump...Whether inside the Environmental Protection Agency, within the Foreign Service, on the edges of the [[Labor Department]] or beyond, employees are using new technology … to organize letters, talk strategy, or contact media outlets and other groups to express their dissent...Fearing for their jobs, the employees began communicating incognito using the app Signal shortly after Trump’s inauguration...[T]he goal is to “create a network across the agency.” This may be an effort to evade Congressional oversight.<ref> </ref>}}
Journalist Ezra Klein's interview with Obama operative [[Evelyn Farkas]] was published on [[Vox]]. Farkas went on the record confirming her complicity and encouraging others to participate in the [[conspiracy]].<ref></ref> Former Rep. [[Dennis Kucinich]] said the Intelligence Community and the owner of the ''Washington Post'' were trying to influence US foreign policy.<ref>[ ]</ref>
[[File:Chalupa-ciaramella.jpg|right|350px|thumb|Democrat operative Alexandra Chalupa (left) Deep State informant Eric Ciaramella (right).<ref></ref>]]
Mike Cernovitch identified [[David Laufman]] as a source of national security leaks. Laufman is the DOJ's Chief of Counterintelligence​. As chief, Laufman handled all classified information regarding espionage. Laufman is a donor to Barack Obama's campaigns. Laufman was in charge of the [[Hillary Clinton email investigation]], and has the power to kill any investigation.<ref></ref>
[[Breitbart]] reported that Obama's [[Organizing for Action]] was partnering with the [[Soros]]-funded Indivisible Project to disrupt the Trump agenda.<ref></ref> Indivisible provides online training for mobs in the 'Resistance' movement.<ref></ref> Indivisible claims to follow the Tea Party model rather than the [[Occupy Wall Street]] or [[Riots during the Obama Administration#Baltimore|Black Lives Matter]]. The Tea Party however is not known to have used or even encourage violence.
[[File:Chalupa-ciaramella.jpg|right|350px|thumb|Democrat operative Alexandra Chalupa (left) Deep State informant [[Eric Ciaramella]] (right).<ref></ref>]]
Deep State informant [[Eric Ciaramella]] worked with [[Democratic National Committee]] operative [[Alexandra Chalupa]] to dig up dirt on the [[2016 Trump campaign|Trump campaign]] during the [[2016 presidential election]]. Ciaramella was detailed to the White House by [[Russia collusion hoax]] mastermind John Brennan in the Summer of 2016. In May 2017, Ciaramella was instrumental in helping generate the “Putin fired Comey” narrative. A Ciaramella email the day after Comey's firing ended up in the media, which is reported to have allegedly called Comey “crazy, a real nut job.”
Ciaramella is said to have argued that “[[President Putin]] suggested that President Trump fire Comey.” In the days after Comey’s Comey's firing, this presidential action was used to further political and media calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate supposed ‘Russia collusion.’<ref>[]</ref>
On March 15, 2016 , FusionGPS's contract with the Washington FreeBeacon terminated after [[Marco Rubio]] dropped out of the [[Republican]] primaries. FreeBeacon hired FusionGPS six months earlier on October 15, 2015 , to perform opposition research on Donald Trump and other Republican candidates. None of the research done for FreeBeacon is related to the ''[[Steele dossier]]'' or Russia.
Two weeks later Hillary Clinton hired FusionGPS through various fronts - the Clinton presidential campaign and the [[DNC]] - whose financial affairs the Clinton campaign controlled.<ref></ref> Clinton's personal lawyer, [[Marc E. Elias]], through the law firm of [[Perkins Coie]] paid FusionGPS. Perkins Coie also employs former Obama White House Counsel [[Robert Bauer]].<ref>Confessore, Scott Shane, Nicholas; Rosenberg, Matthew (11 January 2017). "How a Sensational, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump". The New York Times.</ref><ref></ref> Simpson refused to identify his clients when subpeaonaed by the Senate Intelligence Committee. Perkins Coie paid FusionGPS a total of $1,024,408 on behalf of Hillary Clinton.<ref>In April 2018 Clinton was referred to Justice Department for criminal prosecution by Congress for violation of [[Federal Election Commission]] disclosure requirements.</ref>
[[File:Obama-plouffe-2.jpg|right|250px|thumb|Obama and one of his reliable henchmen, [[David Plouffe]]. Plouffe was urging action against Donald Trump even before Trump was nominated.]]
FusionGPS then hired Christopher Steele, a former British Intelligence Officer, of Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele's London-based firm) to begin compiling the ''Clinton-Steele dossier''. Steele disclosed his period of employment with FusionGPS (12 Jun 2016 through 30 Oct 2016) in court filings stemming from a lawsuit against him and the dossier.<ref></ref>
By late July 2017 there were calls all around for he appointment of a Special Prosecutor to look into Comey's and the FBI's reliance on FusionGPS in its investigation of the Trump campaign, including the creation of the ''Steele dossier'' about Donald Trump, that dossier's commission and dissemination in the months before and after the [[2016 presidential election]], whether the FBI paid anyone connected to the dossier, and the intelligence sources of FusionGPS or any person or company working for FusionGPS and its affiliates.<ref></ref>
On October 18, 2017 , Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan, co-founders of FusionGPS, refused to identify the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC as the sponsors of ''Steele dossier''. The FusionGPS founders plead the [[Fifth Amendment]] right against self-incrimination “to every question asked of them" in House Intelligence Committee investigation.<ref></ref> The ''Washington Post'' finally admitted on October 24 that the "Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded the research that resulted in a now-infamous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the [[Kremlin]]...The Clinton campaign paid Perkins Coie $5.6 million in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016, according to campaign finance records, and the DNC paid the firm $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting’’ since November 2015.<ref></ref><ref></ref> ''WaPo'' published an Oped claiming the "Steele's dossier does include information it says was obtained from "a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure and a former top level Russian intelligence officer still active inside the Kremlin." In other words, the Clinton camp and the DNC colluded with the Russian government."<ref></ref>
On October 26 CNN reported that Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was asked by Congressional nvestigators in his September "whether the Clinton campaign had a contractual agreement with Fusion GPS, and he said he was not aware of one, according to one of the sources. Sitting next to Podesta during the interview: his attorney Marc Elias, who worked for the law firm that hired Fusion GPS" to write the ''Steele dossier'' for the Clinton campaign and DNC.<ref></ref><ref></ref> Former Obama CIA Dir. [[Leon Panetta]] called for the Senate Intelligence Committee to look into the Clinton campaign and DNC funding of the ''Steele dossier.''<ref></ref> The ''Daily Caller'' reported on ''CNN's undisclosed ties to FusionGPS''.<ref></ref> The ''New York Post'' reported ''How team Hillary hoaxed the press''.<ref></ref>
Bruce Ohr was the linchpin between the [[Attorney General]], the FBI and FusionGPS. Ohr's wife Nellie worked for FusionGPS on the ''Clinton-Steele Dossier''.
On October 26, 2016 , the FISA court issued a decision that revealed that the upper echelon of the FBI and others deliberately gave unlimited and unsupervised access to the most private raw FISA data to FusionGPS. NSA Dir. [[Mike Rogers]] personally informed the FISA court of the Obama administration's violations of Sec. 702(17) of the FISA Act (electronic surveillance of US citizens) after he suspected DOJ/FBI abuses and ordered a compliance audit. The FISA court noted that on March 9, 2016 {{quotebox|“DOJ oversight personnel conducting a minimization review of the FBI’s *** [redacted] learned that the FBI had disclosed raw FISA information, including but not limited to Section 702-acquired information....certain *** [redacted] contractors had access to raw FISA information on FBI storage systems. ***[redacted] the ***[redacted] contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests.”}} According to the court, the {{quotebox|“FBI discontinued the above-described access to raw FISA information as of April 18, 2016.”}} The court continued, noting {{quotebox|“Restrictions were not in place with regard to the *** [redacted] contractors; their access was not limited to raw information for which the FBI sought assistance and access continued even after they had completed their work in response to an FBI request."}}
Page 83 of the court ruling read, the {{quotebox|"FBI gave raw Section 702–acquired information to a private entity [FusionGPS] that was not a federal agency and whose personnel [Simpson, Steele, Nellie Ohr] were not sufficiently supervised by a federal agency for compliance minimization procedures [protecting the [[Fourth Amendment]] rights of US persons]."}}
Simultaneously with the October 2016 FISA court ruling Perkins Coie, the surrogate law firm acting on behalf of Hillary Clinton campaign and [[DNC]], made a payment of $365,275.33 to FusionGPS.
[[Joe diGenova]] notes FusionGPS and CrowdStrike are two of the redacted contractors.<ref> </ref>
Evelyn Farkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia under Obama, told the Warsaw Security Forum that same day "if Donald Trump were elected I believe he would be impeached pretty quickly or somebody else would have to take over government. And I am not even joking."<ref></ref> Farkas, who left government in Sept. 2015, later admitted to being the recipient of intelligence information on Donald Trump in the summer of 2016: "last summer I was getting winks and hints from inside that there was something really wrong here." At the forum Farkas discussed the rise of Trump from a purely domestic, partisan, political perspective and urged something must be done to counter the forces of [[nationalism]] and [[populism]].<ref></ref>
==John Brennan==
[[File:John-brennan.jpg|right|450px|thumb|John Brennan is a dangerous unhinged individual.<ref></ref>]]
Killing has made John Brennan [[insane]].<ref></ref><ref></ref> To cover his crimes,<ref></ref> and continue his abuse of power,<ref> </ref> Brennan masterminded the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.<ref></ref> Brennan previously hacked the U.S. State Department,<ref></ref> the Senate Intelligence oversight committee,<ref></ref> was in charge of the CIA torture program,<ref></ref> was in charge of an Obama enemies list program targeting journalists,<ref> </ref> was a major player in Obama's disastrous [[Arab Spring]] policy that brought about the [[European migrant crisis]],<ref></ref> and took credit for orchestrating the Trump-Russia investigation through his network of outside the contiguous United States "lures" (SpyGate).<ref></ref>
After the Democrat administration was voted out of office, Brennan used his national security clearance for personal gain as an [[NBC News]] consultant,<ref></ref> and threatened the President of the United States<ref></ref> and Congress<ref></ref> on several occasions.<ref></ref>
In June 2018, [[James A. Wolfe]], a 30-year Senior staffer as Director of Security of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was arrested and charged with leaking to three reporters on multiple occasions between December 2015 and December 2017.<ref>Wolfe evidently was caught in a leak hunt, and the copy given to him in March 2017 included a specific, and intentionally wrong, internal date using October 19, 2017 as the origination date for FISA application approval. The actual date was October 21. The October 19 date then shows up in subsequent media reports which were based on the leak. The ''New York Times'' and ''Washington Post'' used the wrong date; the concentric reporting of the ''NYT'' and ''WaPo'' spread the wrong date like a virus. The same countermeasure technique was used in the December 2017 leak from [[Adam Schiff]] to Manu Raju of [[CNN]] regarding an email Donald Trump, Jr. received about [[WikiLeaks]], when in fact the original document was dated 10 days later, ''after'' Wikileaks released DNC emails. Schiff and CNN took the bait, alleging a smoking gun for the collusion narrative, only to retract later in an embarrassing episode that exposed Schiff as a leaker and shoddy reporting by CNN for failing to a qualify sources properly.</ref> Wolfe leaked the Carter Page FISA application and identity of Carter Page in March 2017 to reporter Ali Watkins.
Attorneys for Wolfe sent letters to all 15 senators on the Committeecommittee, notifying them that their testimony may be sought as part of Wolfe's defense.<ref></ref> Wolfe, who faces the lesser charge of lying to the FBI rather than the more serious charge of leaking classified national security information, may have told the FBI he was acting on instructions of Senators when he leaked the Carter Page FISA application in March 2017.
The FISA application includes the false allegation that Page had been recruited by Russian intelligence in 2013. In fact, Page reported the recruitment attempt to the FBI and worked as a paid informant for the FBI to secure convictions of the Russian spies.<ref></ref> The Obama Justice Department lied to the FISA court in October 2016 alleging Page was an "an agent of a foreign power," and hid Page's past work for the FBI in helping secure convictions of Russian spies.<ref></ref>
*Sens. [[Lindsey Graham]] and [[Sheldon Whitehouse]] of the Senate Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee request of Director Comey warrant applications and court orders related to wiretapping of Donald Trump and associates.<ref></ref> Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung react to Vault 7 revelations.<ref></ref>
*Sen. [[Tom Cotton]] of the Senate Intelligence Committee confirms Mike Flynn was wiretapped and reveals that he is aware of the agency that surveilled him. Also, he is aware of which agency leaked the transcript of the phone call between Mike Flynn and [[Sergei Kislyak ]] and suggests it is the Department of Justice.<ref></ref>
*[[Wikileaks]] releases Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed.<ref></ref>
*'''15 March.''' Comey briefs Sens. Grassley & Feinstein of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "That briefing addressed the Russia investigation, the FBI’s relationship with Mr. Steele, and the FBI’s reliance on Mr. Steele’s dossier in two applications it filed for surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)."<ref></ref>
*On the subject of Gen. Flynn, Grassley recounts: {{quotebox|Director Comey specifically told us during that briefing that the FBI agents who interviewed Lt. General Michael Flynn, “saw nothing that led them to believe [he was] lying.” Our own Committee staff’s notes indicate that Mr. Comey said the “agents saw no change in his demeanor or tone that would say he was being untruthful.”<br>Contrary to his public statements during his current [2018] book tour denying any memory of those comments, then-Director Comey led us to believe during that briefing that the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he intentionally lied about his conversation with the Ambassador and that the Justice Department was unlikely to prosecute him for false statements made in that interview. In the months since then, the Special Counsel obtained a guilty plea from Lt. General Flynn for that precise alleged conduct.<ref> </ref>}}
<!--*Sen. Lindsey Graham makes public statement: "If there is no warrant than the only way to surveil would have clearly been illegal".<ref></ref>-->
:*Byron York in the ''Washington Examiner'' debunks Hillary Clinton and mainstream media fake news reporting that Trump "gutted" the RNC platform in favor of Putin.<ref></ref>
*'''19 March.''' DNI Clapper denies wiretapping Trump on ''Meet the Press''.<ref> </ref>
:*Federal judge denies motion to dismiss case brought by former CBS anchor [[Sharyl Attkisson]] against [[Eric Holder]] and other Obamagate conspirators. Attkisson reported on [[Operation Fast and Furious]], the [[Benghazi massacre]] coverup, and exposed the [[hoax]] reporting of Hillary Clinton landing under sniper fire. For this she was wiretapped and resigned from CBS. In her Best Seller, ''Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington'',<ref name="NYT Best Stonewalled">{{cite news|title=Best Sellers: Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction|url=|accessdate=|publisher=''The New York Times''|date=November 23, 2014}}</ref> Attkisson details her story. The judge transferred the case allowing it to go forward.<ref><small>In his ruling the stated: "In 2011--at the same time that Ms. Attkisson was conducting investigations and issuing certain of her high-profile news reports--the Attkissons 'began to notice anomalies in numerous electronic devices at their home in Virginia.' These anomalies included Ms. Attkisson's work-issued laptop computer and a family desktop computer 'turning on and off at night without input from anyone in the household,' 'the house alarm chirping daily at different times,' and 'television problems, including interference.' All of these electronic devices used 'the [[Verizon]] FiOS line installed in [the Attkissons'] home,' but Verizon was unable to stanch the anomalous activity despite multiple attempts. In January 2012, the Attkissons' residential internet service 'began constantly dropping off'."
"The Attkissons allege that the 'cyber-attacks' they 'suffered in [their] home' were perpetrated by 'personnel working on behalf of the United States.' Accordingly, they have asserted various claims against the United States and against former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe, and unknown agents of the Department of Justice, the United States Postal Service, and the United States, all in their individual capacities. Those claims include claims against the United States under the FTCA and claims against the individual federal officers for violations of constitutional rights under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Fed. Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971)..." </small></ref>
[[File:Denis McDonough, Susan E. Rice, James Comey, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Lisa Monaco, Loretta Lynch.jpg|right|300px|thumb|Comey meeting with several active [[coup]] plotters: Key figures in the effort to whitewash Hillary Clinton's lawbreaking, illegally spy on Donald Trump, and the "insurance policy" to sabotage the Trump presidency should Trump win. Comey (on couch); Susan Rice (behind); [[Alejandro N. Mayorkas]]; Barack Hussein Obama; Loretta Lynch (to Obama's immediate right).]]
*'''20 March.''' '''Comey public testimony'''. James Comey finally confirms to Congress the Trump team and Donald Trump were and are now under [[counterintelligence]] investigation. {{Quotebox|"I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed."}} Comey withheld three quarterly required notifications to Congress under the advise and consent clause that the Obama administration was violating the [[Fourth Amendment]] and surveiling American citizens under the [[Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act]].
:*Comey admits to Congress he intentionally withheld notification to the [[Gang of Eight]] (Congressional oversight board) of a counter-intelligence investigation that began in July 2016 citing recommendation of [[Bill Priestap]], Asst. Director of Counter Intelligence.<ref></ref> Priestap is married to Sabina Menshell a self-employed “consultant” with a donor history to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats.
:*Comey testified that he did not fulfill his statutory requirement to report to congressional oversight that he was investigating presidential candidate Donald Trump for nine months because the FBI Director of Counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, suggested he not do so.<ref></ref><ref>[[Elise Stefanik|STEFANIK]]: So if that's quarterly...
COMEY: ... to brief them before Congress is briefed.
*State Dept. employee hired by [[Clinton administration]] during Chinagate scandal arrested for accepting bribes and gifts from Chinese intelligence.<ref></ref>
*CrowdStrike forced to retract bogus Russian hacking claims:<ref></ref> FBI yet to examine DNC servers. <ref></ref>
:*Evelyn Farkas admits again that the Obama Administration attempted to gather as much intelligence as possible on Trump's alleged ties to Russia after the 2016 election and that it tried to hide their intelligence sources from the incoming Trump Administration.<ref>[ Former Obama official discloses rush to get intelligence on Trump team]. ''Fox News''. March 29, 2017. Retrieved March 29, 2017.</ref><ref>Poor, Jeff (March 29, 2017). [ Fmr Obama Official Reveals Pre-Inauguration Effort to Gather Intel on Incoming Trump Team]. ''Breitbart News''. Retrieved March 30, 2017.</ref>
*'''2 April.''' [[Susan Rice]] identified as unmasking incoming Trump administration officials. Rice worked at the elbow of President Obama. As National Security Advisor to Obama, she unmasked the identity of Trump National Security Advisor [[Michael Flynn]] which was leaked to the press. The action caused harm to US [[national security]], and is a felonious criminal act.<ref></ref><ref>Housley, Adam (April 3, 2017). [ Susan Rice requested to unmask names of Trump transition officials, sources say]. ''Fox News''. Retrieved April 3, 2017.</ref> Questions remain if and why Rice would have violated the law on her own without President Obama's approval. Rice was denied the position of [[Secretary of State]] by the [[Democratic]] Senate in 2013 to succeed [[Hillary Clinton]] because of lying and deception about the [[Benghazi attack|Benghazi Massacre]]. Nevertheless, Obama kept her at his side in the White House as head of the [[National Security Council]] staff. It was to examine White House logs on the handling of classified information why Chairman Nunes made several trips to the White House that confirmed Susan Rice behind efforts to smear Trump and officials in a supposed foreign intelligence gathering operation.
*IC issues 2016 Transparency Report.<ref> </ref><ref> </ref>
*'''3 April.''' '''Ali Watkins of ''BuzzFeed'' writes article about Carter Page FISA warrant application''' leaked by James Wolfe from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI).<ref></ref><ref></ref> Watkins appeared on [[Rachel Maddow]]'s television show to discuss Watkins' news article. Maddow and Watkins discuss the 2013 spy case Carter Page was involved in, alleging Page was recruited by Russian spies.<ref></ref> In fact, Carter Page was a paid FBI informant in that case, who wore a wire for the FBI to frame up the Russian spies.<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref>
*'''Assange immunity talks break down'''. Assange releases a new cache of CIA documents through its Vault 7 series. Negotiations between Waldman and DOJ (Laufman) for Assange immunity ends.<ref></ref>
*'''8 April.''' In direct messages released by actress-model Robin Young and Guccifer 2.0, Guccifer 2.0 claims Seth Rich was his whistleblower source;<!--and that he created the ruse that he was a Russian hacker to protect his source. In reality, Guccifer 2.0 is a Clinton false flag operation set up to discredit the Seth Rich revelations at Wikileaks.--> Adam Carter writes, {{quotebox|"one particular group would have been particularly desperate precisely at that time, for the emergence of a narrative about Russian hackers to discredit proper leaks / justify claims that all leaks are 'probably doctored' and they will have very likely known [[Warren Flood|[Warren] Flood]] too.<br>That group is the Clinton Campaign.<br>As of June 12th, [2016] they were in a position where Julian Assange had just announced WikiLeaks' upcoming release of Hillary's emails, she was still under FBI investigation, and Trump was attacking Hillary for her use of a private server with his supporters frequently chanting "lock her up!" at rallies.<br>The campaign was in a desperate position and really needed something similar to a Russian hacker narrative and one where they would be fortunate to have a seemingly clumsy hacker that leaves lots of 'fingerprints' tainting files and bringing the reputation of leaks into question... Sure enough, 2-3 days later, Guccifer2.0 - the world's weirdest hacker - was spawned and started telling lies in an effort to attribute himself to the malware discoveries, etc."</ref></ref>}}
:*Susan Rice net worth estimated at $50 million, an increase of $30 million since she entered the White House. Rice has never worked in the [[private sector]] nor earned more than $172,000 has a career civil servant.<ref></ref>}}
*'''13 April.''' '''FusionGPS refuses to answer the Senate Judiciary Committee's question as to who in the Clinton machine hired them'''. The ''Steele dossier'' formed much of the basis for the Obama administration's attacks on Donald Trump and its authorization to use the US Intelligence Community to harass domestic political opponents. {{Quotebox|"When political opposition research becomes the basis for law enforcement or intelligence efforts, it raises substantial questions about the independence of law enforcement and intelligence from politics.”<ref></ref>}}
[[File:Mifsud with Boris Johnson.jpeg|right|350px|thumb|'''FBI/CIA spy [[Joseph Mifsud]] (left) with [[UK]] prime minister [[Boris Johnson]] (center)''' two weeks after [[George Papadopoulos]]' plea agreement in the [[Mueller investigation]].<ref> </ref> The enite Trump-Russia conspiracy hoax was hatched by [[Obama administration|Obama]] CIA director [[John Brennan]] on the false allegation that Mifsud was a Russian agent. Mifsud had been working for Brennan and [[Jimmy the Weasel]] Comey all along.<ref>[ Why the Mifsud Story Matters], DECLASSIFIED with Gina Shakespeare,- ''The Epoch Times'', Aug 5, 2019.</ref>]]
*'''Reports of Britains GCHQ spying agency passing information to John Brennan starting the FBI Trump Russia investigation debunked.'''<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref>pre-dating any FISA warrant or "incidental collection." This allegation has its roots in the ''Steele dossier'' and claims US involvement in the Trump investigation began in April 2016 when John Brennan received "routine" intelligence sharing information from British intelligence, including sharing activities from one of the Baltic States, now rumored to be Estonia. Some Estonian figures reacted negatively to Trump comments about defending the Baltics and making NATO allies pay their fair share.</ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> Brennan lied repeatedly. There was '''no legal basis to begin a counterintelligence investigation on Trump associates'''. Likewise the Papadopoulos drunken binge narrative starting the FBI probe is false.
*'''28 April.''' NSA press release announces suspension of President Obama's illegal [[4th Amendment]] civil rights violations of American citizens.<ref></ref>
[[File:John-p-carlin-1.jpg|right|300px|thumb|John Carlin with James Comey and Loretta Lynch. As of 2018 Carlin, Comey and Lynch are subjects of the DOJ Inspector General's [[FISA abuse]] investigation.]]
*'''April'''. Deputy Asst. Attn. Gen. [[Mary McCord (DOJ)|Mary McCord]] resigns as head of the DOJ-National Security Division after the Trump administration restores independent Inspector General oversight of the division. Former Deputy Attn. Gen. Sally Yates barred the Inspector General from oversight of the DOJ-NSD activities beginning in June 2015. Shortly thereafter, the FBI was allowing its contractors (FusionGPS) unfettered access to raw FISA data (upstream and downstream electronic communications) of American citizens under the guise of foreign intelligence surveillance to gather paid opposition research on Hillary Clinton opponents. The DOJ-NSD ultimately is responsible for applying the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The Obama Justice Drpartment had violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the Fourth Amendment rights of American citizens to be free of unreasonable searches (collection of FISA evidence) for at least five years by targeting the Obama administration's domestic political opponents as agents of foreign powers. When the FISA court issued a ruling in late September 2016 condemning the Obama administration and Dept. of Justice for its [[lawlessness]], the DOJ-NSD head John Carlin was replaced the next day with McCord. Neither Yates, Carlin or McCord ever informed FISA judges that the Obama administration presented falsified evidence to the court, and was using Hillary Clinton's paid opposition research under the color of law to harass, intimidate, and violate the civil rights of Americans and domestic political opponents of Obama and Clinton, followed up by illegal press leaks from government sources designed to influence public opinion and the 2016 election.
<!--*Vovan and Lexus, two Russian comedians, hoax ranking Democrat Adam Schiff into believing they had nude photos of Donald Trump from the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow in 2013.<ref></ref>-->
==External links==
*[ All the president's enemies], by ''The Washington Times''
*[ Report of Investigation of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey's Disclosure of Sensitive Investigative Information and Handling of Certain Memoranda], Oversight and Review Division 19-0219–02, August 2019
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