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Sandra Bernhard

309 bytes added, 08:46, June 13, 2019
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'''Sandra Bernhard''' (born 1955) is an American [[lesbian]] [[feminist]] comedian , minor "comedienne" and actress. She was born in Flint, [[Michigan]] and went to live on a [[kibbutz]] in [[Israel]] for a time after leaving high school. She returned to America and developed an acting and comedy career in the late 1970s. In the 1980s she became famous for her close friendship with [[MadonnaCiccone]].
Bernhard is controversial because of her [[liberal]] viewsand her abrasive "comedic" style. She strongly supports access to [[abortion]]. In September 2008, she made deeply offensive and depraved<!--what did she say?--> remarks concerning [[Sarah Palin]]. The During the same comedy performance, Bernhard denigrated the [[New Testament]]. Her comments were regarded as deeply offensive to [[African American]]s also.{{fact}} <ref></ref> Bernhard has not apologized for her remarks.[[Category==References==<References/> {{liberalism}}{{DEFAULTSORT:Homosexuality]]Bernhard, Sandra}}
[[Category:Abortion Advocates]]
[[Category:Hollywood Values]]
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