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/* Nine */ revised "Talmud Pes. vi. 3" to "Talmud - Mas. Pesachim 2a-121b" with link
::The fourteenth day of the month Abib/Nisan by Jewish reckoning begins very late in the afternoon "at evening" with the approach of sunset and the eating of the Passover lamb and continues through sunset and late evening dusk and nightfall and the all night long vigil through dawn and morning and all day long through midday and early afternoon and midafternoon of the fourteenth day of the month up to very late afternoon/early evening and finally the approach of sunset ending the fourteenth day of Abib/Nisan "at evening" with the beginning of the next day, the fifteenth day of the month. <br>The first day of Passover is the fourteenth day of the month beginning "at evening" with the Passover seder and extending 24 hours from sunset to sunset and the beginning of the fifteenth day of the month "at evening".
:Unleavened Bread and Passover was then and now a period of eight days, beginning the fourteenth day of the month "at evening" as the beginning of the fourteenth day, not the end, and through the twenty-first day "at evening". Compare [ Deuteronomy 16:5-8] <br>(''Passover, one day - six days, six - the seventh day, one''. = 1 + 6 + 1 = 8).<br> See [ Exodus 12:14-20] "In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, and so until the twenty-first day of the month at evening"; also [ Ezekiel 45:21]; and [[Talmud]], ''Tractate Pes- [https://www.'' vihalakhah. 3com/pdf/moed/Pesachim.pdf Mas. Pesachim 2a-121b].
:The Passover was eaten for eight days (14-21 Nisan, inclusive), a fact evident from a plain reading of almost all of the Jewish literature and online sites which describe the observance of Passover to this day—beginning the first day with unleavened bread, and continuing seven days of unleavened bread, the whole time of Passover. Josephus, ''Antiquities'' 11.4.8; 14.2.1; 17.9.3, describes Passover as a feast of several days. The Jews in John 18:28, having already partaken of the Passover Seder in the evening at the twilight beginning of the fourteenth day of Nisan, and before Jesus was arrested, in the morning when they came to the Praetorium were seeking to remain ritually pure for the midday "''chagigah''" Passover sacrificial meal at which they continued to "eat the Passover" of 14 Nisan "from the flock or the herd", and to remain ritually pure ''without interruption'' into the '''second''' day of Passover, 15 Nisan, which occurred that year on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, the sabbath, the second day of Passover, making that sabbath a "high day"—"''for that sabbath day was an high day''" John 19:31—so that they might continue to "''eat the Passover''" that day also "''from the flock or the herd''" (Deuteronomy 16:2), for the entire period of the eight days of "''the feast of unleavened bread, called the passover''" (Luke 22:1). Compare [ Leviticus 22:3] in the context of [ Leviticus 21:6–22:9]. It is true that, if they had entered the Praetorium and been ritually defiled in doing so (see [ 1 Peter 4:3];[ Romans 1:18-32]), [ according to Leviticus 11–15 they would have been only "unclean to evening", and could even have "bathed in water and be unclean to evening"]. After sunset they would be ritually clean again and could eat the Passover undefiled. It would be a matter of pride that at no time during the festival days of Passover did they in any way ritually defile themselves, or allow themselves to be ritually defiled, but continued in unbroken seamless ritual purity, without any interruption, to "eat the Passover". <br> Compare [ Chagigah: Jesus' Last Supper Timing (]—the author of this article assumes that the evening of the fourteenth day of Nisan is the end of the day and the beginning of the fifteenth day of Nisan, that Passover is the fifteenth day of the month, and that the Passover meal was celebrated at the end of the fifteenth day of the month at evening.
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