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Independent voters

757 bytes added, 16:24, March 28, 2018
Noting this, since Bernie Sanders and John Brennan are officially listed as "independent" due to either being members of the Democratic Socialists of America or otherwise voting for the CPUSA.
In political usage, an An '''independentvoter''' refers to a politician is one who does has not belong to any declared a preference for a particular [[political party. In the [[United States of America]], [[Ross Perot]] is one of the best-known independent candidates to run and votes for [[president]]ial officeeither main political party in elections. In those [[country|countries]] with This is usually predicated on a two-liking for a particular candidate rather than party system, independents may espouse viewpoints from both parties or may even run on a single-issue not favored by either.
"Independent" often refers to a politician who does not belong to any political party. In the [[United States of America]], [[Ross Perot]] is one of the best-known independent candidates to run for [[president]]ial office. In those [[country|countries]] with a two-party system, independents may espouse viewpoints from both parties or may even run on a single issue not favored by either. Sometimes, even nominal members of political parties are "independents". For instance, [[Mike Huckabee]] has been willing to take [[conservative]] religious positions that other [[Republican]]s have not. He has also taken some positions which could be seen as [[liberal]]. For this, many label him an "Independent". In some cases, "Independent" refers to politicians who, while holding a high position, belong to a party that is neither the Republican nor Democrat party (with some being members of Communist parties).[[Category:PoliticsPolitical Terms]]
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