'''Jacques Offenbach''' (1819-1880) was a French composer of nearly 100 light operas, notably ''The Tales of Hofmann,'' '' "Orphée aux enfers" ("[[Orpheus ]] in the Underworld"),'' ''"La Perichole",'' and ''"La Belle Hélène." A 1938 balletserious opera, ''Gaîté Parisienneunfinished at his death,"Les contes d'' based on Offenbach's music, was Hoffmann" (“The Tales of Hoffmann” - completed by Guirard) is his most regularly performed and has remained popularrecorded work.
His most familiar tune is probably the [http://www.danshep.net/cancan.mid Can-Can] from ''Orpheus in the Underworld.''
The [[United States ]] [[Marine ]] Hymn ("From the halls of Montezuma...") is based on an Offenbach tune, the Galop from ''La Belle Hélène.'' [[Category:Composers]] {{DEFAULTSORT:Offenbach, Jacques}}