Last modified on May 3, 2009, at 02:46

World History Homework Twelve Answers - Student One

Veronika F.

1.World War II: when, where, who and why? Explain

World War II was a world-wide conflict taking place mainly in Europe in which many countries used advanced technology in their war fare. The two opposing alliances were the Allies (British Empire, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (after they broke their alliance with Germany), and the United States and the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan). The Second World War began in 1939 and ended in 1945 after the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. This immense war began when Nazi Germany invaded Poland, which seemed at that time of little threat, until Germany stared conquering more land, breaking agreements, and inhumanely killing Jews and other innocent people. People were afraid that the Nazis in Germany would go to any extent to take control of the world.

Superb answer! (Note: warfare is one word - originating in the ... 1400s. Wow, that's an old word!)

2. Compare and contrast communism and fascism, with at least two examples of how they are similar and two examples of how they differ.

Both communism and fascism believe that the wellness of the state and obedience to a powerful leader comes before the interests and opinions of the citizens. Secondly, both of these groups believe that the most vital key to success and control is to have a powerful and skillful military. There are also some notable differences. The Nazi party, to Hitler’s advantage, was mostly driven by nationalistic and ethnic divisions which caused great sufferings for the Jews and other groups; however, fascism put the state above all else. Also, fascist believe that the government should have control over private enterprise, but it should not designate it as the communists do.

Excellent. The verb "designate" is a bit awkward there; I assume you mean the communists "destroy" free enterprise. Uh oh, "destroy" is awkward too! It's not easy picking the right word!

3. Why do you think Hitler and his supporters killed so many people? Explain.

Hitler was a very evil and power-hungry man. He crushed anyone that was in his way of achieving victory. Hitler helped advance the idea that the Aryans were the master race and that the weak and Jews and other groups of people were a contaminated race that should be exterminated. Many of the Aryans were Germans. He did everything in his power to kill every Jew that was alive. He did not know when to stop. Hitler was blinded by greed and hatred so that he could not distinguish insanity from sanity.

Good analysis. I'm not sure about your point that Hitler thought other races were inferior because they were "contaminated". My research is that Hitler felt the other races were inferior, and that he did not want them to "contaminate" the Aryan race, which is slightly different to how you describe it. Regardless, Hitler was evil.

5. Describe any aspect of the Cold War or the Korean War or the Spanish Civil War (with reference to Orwell, if you like).

The Cold War fascinates me immensely because in this war there was no military conflict; it was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union over who was the most powerful. Its name describes it perfectly since there was no actual fire from either side (there was no heat).Both countries created and manufactured new military weapons and threatened the other with their powerful creations. Thankfully, this war did not go to the extent where each enemy would have to use weapons. If they did we may all have never been born since the atomic and/or hydrogen bomb would have destroyed us all and made earth uninhabitable.

Superb! However, I doubt that the bombs could really make the entire earth inhabitable. It certainly wouldn't be pleasant!

6. How did technological advances or insights help the Allied forces? Be specific.

The technological advances helped the Allied forces win the war because they needed weapons that could withstand and possibly overtake the powerful weapons of the Germans and Japanese. Germany and Japan were well equipped with the best weapons that were available at that time and they considered themselves invincible. The atomic bomb which the United States created helped bring an end to the Second World War. This was the one and only thing that could bring the Japanese, who would rather die than surrender their country, to admit defeat and end their brutal fight.


7. Should the United States have entered World War II in Europe? Discuss.

I think it was right for the United States to enter World War II because if they did not the Nazis in Germany may have taken control of a large part of the world. Hitler and his followers would have kept on fighting until they conquered the whole world. They were believed to be invincible since they had the military equipment, support of the people, and the fear of the weak. At that time, the United States was considered one of the most powerful and largest countries in the world and they were the only ones that could have a chance against the enormous German military. The United States has to stand up for what they believe is right and wrong, and if something or someone is endangering the moral justice in the world, we have the duty to fight back.


H3. Was it right for Churchill not to warn a town about a German bombing if he knew the town would be bombed?

I think Churchill chose the right decision to not warn a town that they were going to be bombed, which they discovered when the German code for the enigma was broken. The Germans were not stupid and if they saw that the town that they were going to bomb was all prepared for the invasion, they would become suspicious that someone had broken their code. Churchill knew that the broken code could help the Allied forces to win the war even though many lives would be sacrificed for it. He understood that he had to use this advantage for a greater cause in a more skillful way without causing any suspicion. If he let this one go, he could use this precious information from the broken code to help them win a great victory that would make a greater difference. War is about the decisions that leaders make, whether right or wrong.

Very good, will use as a model. Your conclusion seems to use "right" in a different sense from your first sentence! That leaves the reader thinking, which is good.
Fantastic homework, among the best in the class all year. 100/100.
By the way, you may want to participate in the final volunteer project to build World history final exam term list.--Andy Schlafly 22:46, 2 May 2009 (EDT)