Operation praying mantis

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Operation praying mantis was the largest military engagement by the United States since World War II.[1] It took place on April 18, 1988.

After the USS Samuel B. Roberts was damaged by a sea mine, other mines were discovered in the area. During and after the subsequent attacks on the Iranian Navy, Iran's sea forces were left in shambles.

President Reagan said of the effort:

"Acting in self-defense and pursuant to standing peacetime rules of engagement for the region, two U.S. helicopters operating off the USS Jarrett engaged the Iranian vessel, which subsequently resumed its mine-laying activities. Thereupon, the helicopters re-engaged the Ajr, disabling it with rocket and machine-gun fire and curtailed the further release of mines. The actions taken by U.S. forces were conducted in the exercise of our right of self-defense under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter," he said.[2]
