Last modified on April 9, 2019, at 17:42

Missile-defense system

A missile-defense system is a system that can stop incoming missiles by firing another projectile, such as an anti-ballistic missile, at it. The first anti-ballistic missile was tested by the Soviet Union in 1961, and the United States soon developed one also.[1] The two countries signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (AMB Treaty) in 1972, which conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly opposed.[1]

In order to eliminate the threat of a large-scale nuclear attack on the United States, U.S. President Ronald Reagan developed the Strategic Defense Initiative, and missile-defense systems continued to develop afterward.[1] The U.S. successfully tested its missile-defense system in 2017.[2][3]

A missile defense system – the ability to shoot down an incoming missile with a missile – ended the doctrine of mutually assured destruction (MAD) in favor of what Reagan termed Assured Survival.[4] Democrats and liberals vehemently opposed Reagan and clung to the anti-technology growth Doctrine of MAD, mockingly calling missile defense "Star Wars – a futuristic fantasy."[5]

See also
