Last modified on May 24, 2019, at 02:58

Father's Day

Father's Day, commemorated on the third Sunday of June, is in honor of the important role that fathers have in families. This includes their contribution to the emotional, physical, and financial well being of a child.[1] Due to these highly important contributions, Sonora Dodd[2] founded this day, to honor her father who fought in the American Civil War. Many people honor both fathers and grandfathers alike on Father's Day as all grandfathers are fathers themselves as well.


Liberal Opposition

There has been liberal opposition to Father's Day, wanting to replace it with "Family Day". This concept was created in Canada due to the legislation of same-sex "marriage" as it was felt to be unfair to adopted children of same-sex couples. Such a move has been opposed by many normal parents who do not want to see this tradition being overtaken by political correctness.[3] The Liberal opposition do not seem to care about honoring the role of the father, which is highly important for the support and the guidance for children.


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