Last modified on July 16, 2008, at 17:40

Classless society

The classless society, promoted by Communist leaders and theorists such as Karl Marx, is the ideal and inevitable final stage of society, otherwise known as communism (with a small c). In this utopia, the socialist state created and ruled by the dictatorship of the proletariat will have "withered away".

  • In this society, voluntary cooperation would replace coercion so there would be no need for governments, armies, police, courts, prisons and taxes. As each individual fulfilled his own desires, he would automatically minister to the well-being of others. In this classless, governmentless society, the slogan would be: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." [1]

The transition from socialism to communism, unlike all previous transitions, will be a peaceful rather than a violent one. However, Marx gave no explanation for why this might be so. In fact, it contradicts his theory of historical progress via revolution; see historical materialism.

  • Communism is the hypothetical end result which will reward the survivors of the long march that is necessary to move from Capitalism to Communism. Steps on this long march include: 1) Revolution, 2) Dictatorship of the Proletariat, 3) Destruction of the Capitalist State, 4) Liquidation of the Bourgeoisie, 5) Creation of Socialism, 6) Creation of the New Socialist Man, 7) Withering Away of the State, and 8) Emergence of Communism. Why Communism Kills

In actuality the classless society which Communism promised has never been created on earth. Communists misunderstand human nature and have accordingly permitted their leaders to engage in horrific acts such as the Cambodian genocide:

  • Three million people who were crowded into Phnom Penh, were ordered to leave the city in one day. Everyone had to leave just as they were. Children in schools were not permitted to go home and join their parents but were driven out of the city like cattle. Hospitals were emptied of doctors, nurses, and patients. The situation is described in the book Murder of a Gentle Land by John Barron and Anthony Paul, which is published by Reader's Digest Press. [2]
