James Dobson

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Doctor James Dobson (born 1936) is a psychologist and writer best known for founding the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, which promotes Fundamentalist Christian values within the context of the American family and also serves as a vehicle for providing information on psychology to Christians. He chose Jim Daly as CEO in 1995, and retired as chairman in early 2009 with the title of "chairman emeritus." He continues to host his radio show, which reaches 1.5 million Americans daily, and write a newsletter that goes to 1.6 million people each month.

Dobson was raised in the Church of the Nazarene and received his doctorate in psychology from the University of Southern California in 1967. He has published several books;[1] he is not an ordained minister.

Although one source claims that Dobson has sharply criticized the Harry Potter books, his website says rather:

  • with reference to books and movies like the Harry Potter series. We'd suggest that it is important for parents to pay close attention to the manner in which spiritual power is presented in any story. It's crucial to ask questions like, "Who is the source of this power? How is it portrayed? What are the results of its use?" Good spiritual power — for example, the power by which the apostles healed the sick and the lame in Jesus' name — comes from God. He gives it to His people to accomplish His purposes, and it is always used for His glory. Occultic or evil spiritual power, on the other hand, serves the user's own selfish interests. It is dangerous, destructive and manipulative in nature. [1]

Another Harry Potter quote:

  • James Dobson's Focus on the Family made the following comment: "Harry Potter is a standard tale of good vs. evil, and good always wins in the end. Harry, the hero, often triumphs because of his upright character and pure motives. Unconditional love and courage are held as ideals of great importance. By following Harry and his best friend Ron, the reader gets a glimpse of true loyalty and friendship, as well as self-sacrifice." [2]

Further reading

  • Dale Buss, Family Man: The Biography of Dr. James Dobson (2005) excerpt and text search
  • Dan Gilgoff, The Jesus Machine: How James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and Evangelical America Are Winning the Culture War (2007) balanced biography by journalist except and text search


External links