Essay: Homosexual recruitment

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Homosexual recruitment is the active recruitment of homosexuals by homosexuals in primarily heterosexual institutions. Homosexual recruiters will typically prey on depressed and vulnerable heterosexuals and will "council" any troubled heterosexual. The recruiters begin by poisoning the victim's mind with false ideas that paint traditional Christian conservative values in a negative light. The recruiters, utilizing deceit and powerful mind-control techniques, make sure that the victim understands that their problems stem from these values. They then offer a solution: become a homosexual. The recruiters then promise that if the victim becomes a homosexual they will be accepted unconditionally, and all their problems will magically disappear. This is a lie of course. This is how the majority of homosexuals come to be.

While this has been known to some for ages to occur, the first real warnings about this came in the 1960's, with the birth of the homosexual movement.