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'''Zoroaster''' (c. 600 BC) was an ancient [[Persia|Persian]] n figure, and the founder of [[Zoroastrianism]]. Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic and dualistic religion, in which two forces, the force of good [[Ahura Mazda]], and [[Angra Mainyu]], the force of evil. The prophet is also known by the name of '''Zarathustra'''.
In the end, the force of good and the creator of the universe, Ahura Mazda, will defeat Angra Mainyu. [[Angel]]s are present in Zoroastrianism, and the concept of one, all-powerful God predates all monotheistic religions except for [[Judaism]]. Some speculate that Zoroastrian ideas may have also had an effect on early [[Christianity]], and [[Islam]].
The main source for details on the life of Zoraster Zoroaster is the Avesta, put in writing between 346 and 360 A.D. The earliest surviving manuscipt manuscript copies date back to the 13th century A.D.<ref></ref>
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