Revolutionary Capitalism

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Revolutionary Capitalism (Capitalismo Revolucionario in Spanish) is an ideology, and previously a movement, originated in Chile and founded by Sebastián Izquierdo.


This ideology is a unique one, takes ideas from feudalism, patriotism, rejects illustration (therefore he reject socialism, nationalism and liberalism) and has a praxis and political strategies that use violence and fear against the opponents.

The base of the Revolutionary Capitalism ideology is the respect of the private property and to invert the relation between the State and it by putting the private property as the base of the society.

Revolutionary Capitalism rejects the concept of "individuals" and calls the people "ligatum".

Izquierdo, the ideology creator, is an hispanist and says all the hispanic countries are in fact, just one nation (Spain) with many fatherlands (Chile, Argentina, Venezuela).

The main points of Revolutionary Capitalism are: metaphysical relationism, property ontology, social relations theory, fundamentals of private property, public and private ontology, subordination theory and revolution theory.


The movement organized and participated in several manifestations against globalism, abortion, the Gender Ideology and mass immigration.

In the YouTube Channel they have made reports about current political topics, in which members of the movements ask random people in the street about these topics. Some important figures have been interviewed like Agustín Laje, Hermógenes Pérez de Arce, Javier Milei and many right-wing activist from all Latin America.

In February 15th, during a patriotic march against the New Constitution, Antifa appeared to attack elder people, in response Revolutionary Capitalism and the movement We still have homeland formed the Vanguard (Vanguardia) and defended the march by attacking Antifa back causing injuries in them.[1]

Today Revolutionary Capitalism is no longer a movement but an ideology.

External Links

  • Marchas por el "rechazo" y el "apruebo" en Escuela Militar terminan con peleas e incidentes aislados