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927 bytes added, 20:37, November 9, 2019
[[File:Azov Battalion.jpg|right|250px|thumb|Members of the Azov Battalion with the NATO flag (left) Azov mascot (center) and [[Swastika]] (right). The NATO flag represents [[globalism]]; the ''[[Cyrillic]]'' A3OB in the center spells AZOV; and the swastika represents the Obama administration's [[OUN]] [[anti-Semitic]] and [[Russophobe]] allies in Ukraine.<ref></ref>]]'''Neo-Nazis''' are a number of loosely defined groups that admire the works and philosophies of [[Adolf Hitler]]. They have a tendency to attract the young and disenfranchised of society from the population that forms part of the majority groups. General beliefs include a desire to keep racial or ethnic purity. While generally small in number, the groups are reported upon due to the fear of what would occur if they ever spread. Popular locations for Neo-Nazi activity included the [[United States]] and [[Germany]]. Arguably, the most famous Neo-Nazi group is the [[Skinheads]]. They consist of otherwise diverse group affiliations - like the early Nazis: [[heterosexual]]s (Goebbles) and [[homosexual]]s (Röhm), [[asexual]]s and [[bisexual]]s ([ the arch-criminal himself]), people with megalomania and decent-appearing people (Eichmann), social outcasts and party animals.
Many In 2014 the [[Obama administration]] empowered organized Neo-Nazis are anti-American Nazi groups during the [[Ukrainian]] [[Maidan Revolution]] to seize power and/or anti-Christian, and generally have values that are more liberal than conservativeoust a antidemocratic elected regime. Some  ==See also==* [[List of them have formed alliances with AlNeo-Qaeda, in order to stop "the red white and blue travelling mass murder machine" and Jews. They also have similarities to communists and are generally socialist and environmentalist.Nazi Media Publications]]*[[Alexandra Chalupa]]*[[Victoria Nuland]]*[[Stepan Bandera]]*[[Fancy Bear]]*[[Ukrainian collusion]] ==References=={{reflist}}
[[Category:Hate Groups]]