Last modified on September 13, 2011, at 16:04

Land cover/use

Land cover/use is - according to the USDA terminology - "a term that includes categories of land cover and categories of land use. Land cover is the vegetation or other kind of material that covers the land surface. Land use is the purpose of human activity on the land; it is usually, but not always, related to land cover. The National Resources Inventory (NRI) uses the term land cover/use to identify categories that account for all the surface area of the United States. "[1]


  1. List of USDA terminology

United States Department of Agriculture Terms

Aerial photograph; Artificial and modified surfaces; Barren; Barren land; Beach; Census water; Climatic factor; Close-grown crops; Conservation practice; Conservation Reserve Program; Conservation Reserve Program land; Cover and management factor; Cowardin system; Cropland; Cropping history; Deepwater habitat; Developed land; Erodibility index; Erosion (USDA); Estuarine Wetland; Farmsteads and ranch headquarters; Field; Forest land; General cover; Growing season; Habitat composition; Habitat configuration; Habitat patch; Hayland; Herbaceous; Horticultural cropland; Irrigated land; Lacustrine System; Lake (land type); Land capability classification; Land cover/use; Large streams; Large urban and built-up areas; Large water bodies; Marine System; Marshland; Mines, quarries, and pits; Minor land cover/uses; Mud flat; Open canopy short woody plants; Open canopy tall woody plants; Other aquatic habitats; Other rural land; Ownership; Palustrine Wetland; Pastureland; Perennial stream; Personal Digital Assistant ; Photographic interpretation; Practice factor; Primary sample unit; Prime farmland; Railroads; Rainfall and runoff; Rangeland; Remote sensing; Reservoir (land type); Ridge roughness; Riverine System; Riverwash; Row crops; Rural transportation land; Saline deposits; Salt flats; Sample point; Sand dunes; Sheet and rill erosion; Short woody plants; Silviculture; Slope (land type); Slope length; Slope-length factor; Slope-steepness factor ; Small built-up areas; Small streams; Small water bodies; Soil erodibility factor; Soil erodibility index; Soil loss tolerance factor ; Soil survey; Stream (land type); Tall woody plants; Universal soil loss equation; Unsheltered distance; Uplands (land type); Urban and built-up areas; Vegetative cover; Water (land type); Water areas; Water body; Water spreading; Wetlands (land type); Wetland losses; Wind erodibility group; Wind erosion; Wind erosion equation;