Last modified on May 12, 2017, at 21:25

Francisco de Zurbarán

Francisco de Zurbarán (1598 – 1664) was an Spanish baroque painter. Zurbarán along with his friend Diego Velazquez and Bartolomé Esteban Murillo are the best painters of the Spanish Golden Age. He painted profound spiritual content, his works almost in totality were of a religious nature. Zurbarán's mastery stands out also in some of his portrait works and his still life which he painted with extreme sensibilty. [1]

Zurbarán adopted Caravaggio's realistic use of chiaroscuro and the severe compositions of Juan Sánchez Cotán. He started painting in the city of Seville, Spain, when he was 15 years old .

St. Luke the Painter before Christ on the Cross

Zurbaran Cristo en la cruz y St. Luke.jpg

According to legend, St. Luke was a painter and Zurbarán, who produced a portrait of himself in order to give shape to this saint, represents him engaged in his hobby and not in an act of devotion. by Consuelo López

Some outstanding works include: Cristo en la Cruz, San Hugo en el refectorio, La misa de fray Pedro de Cabañuelas, El adiós de fray Juan de Carrión a sus hermanos, La visión de San Pedro Nolasco, Aparición de San Pedro Apóstol a San Pedro Nolasco, Santa Catalina, La Virgen niña durmiendo, San Serapio, La defensa de Cádiz, and La Inmaculada Concepción.

Petite Gallery

See also

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