Last modified on February 25, 2017, at 08:09

Essay: The world weighs Richard Dawkins in the balance

The world weighs Richard Dawkins in the balance and finds him wanting! [1] Web traffic to in terms of global market share according to the web traffic tracking company Alexa.

Richard Dawkins' loss of influence post-Elevatatorgate shown via Quantscast graphs

As can be seen by the graph below, by means of embedded code on his website from Quantcast, Quantcast directly measures the web traffic of Richard Dawkins' website. Traffic to Dawkins website is significantly down post-Elevatorgate. See also: Internet atheism

Although his following of Dawkian atheist has significantly waned post-Elevatorgate and due to his generally abrasive manner, he does retain a small cult following (See: Richard Dawkins' loss of influence and Richard Dawkins' cult of personality and Atheist cults).

A blogger at the popular Christian YouTube video maker Shockofgod's blog quipped in a blog post entitled July 2, 2011: The day the atheism movement died on the information superhighway:

Yes, my atheist friends, July 2, 2011 is the day that the atheist movement died on the information superhighway. I did not come to honor the atheism movement in this blog post, but to bury it. Those whose movement's come alive by the information superhighway, die by the information superhighway.[1]
According to the web traffic tracking company Quantcast, the web traffic of Richard Dawkins's website fell in 2012.[2] By October of 2014, the web traffic for his website fell to a lower level according to Quantcast.[3]

Present web traffic according to Quantcast which directly measures Dawkins' website traffic

The above graph shows the monthly website traffic to Richard Dawkins' website as of June 22, 2015 in terms of unique monthly web visitors.[4] As you can see above, in 2012, Richard Dawkins saw a very large decrease in web traffic.

The website traffic is measured via Quantcast which directly measures Dawkins' website traffic via embedded code on his website.[5]

Alexa ranking of Richard Dawkins' website

In 2015, Richard Dawkins' website fell in terms of its Alexa ranking.
In 2016 and the in the beginning portion of 2017, the global internet market share of of Richard Dawkins' website has been falling according to the web traffic tracking company Alexa.

See also:

  • World weighs Richard Dawkins in the balance and finds him wanting!

See also
