Last modified on March 6, 2017, at 07:32

Essay: Atheist David Silverman failed!

Despite having a degree in marketing, David Silverman can't even convince his wife to be an agnostic, let alone an atheist! [1]

Silverman's failure to accurately report matters about atheism to the public

Despite having a degree in marketing, Silverman can't even convince his wife to be an agnostic, let alone an atheist!

Apparently, Silverman has been unable to dupe his wife into falling for the folly of atheism.[2] The evidence is so compelling for the existence of God that Silverman can't even convince his wife to be an agnostic!

David Silverman has a degree in marketing so his failure to convince his wife to become an atheist is a big career failure! If David Silverman can't convince his own wife through his life and words that atheism is valid that is truly pathetic.

Silverman's failure at influencing the hiring of board of directors who truly respect and understand science - especially nutritional science and exercise science

Even more pathetic than the fact that a significant portion of the board of directors for the American Atheists have or have had a problem with being overweight (see: American Atheists and obesity and Atheism and obesity). Atheists purport to love science and last time I checked nutritional science, exercise science and medical science have many effective ways to prevent and solve the problem of being overweight.

Atheists, just admit it: David Silverman failed!

See also

