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Darwinism is the fanciful, materialistic belief and speculation that all living organisms and creatures are descended from one common ancestor, and somehow formed and become more complex through time and improved genetically by random mutations and some vague form of natural selection.

It is named for the nineteenth century English naturalist Charles Darwin, who held that natural selection in combination with random alterations (which later would be taught to be mutations) is the force of evolution.[1]

A popular documentary, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, aptly described how Adolf Hitler followed Darwin's ideas to their logical conclusion: the wholesale slaughter of millions of people.

Watch a biology professor who grew up under communism share what it was like to live in a society based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. He also discusses some amazing evidence of intelligent design in our cells.[2]

Science historian Michael Flannery tells us of his belated discovery of the Alpbach Symposium held in March 1968[3] where a number of leading thinkers (Hayek) openly doubted Darwinism and the neo-Darwinian synthesis.[4] Two years earlier the Wistar Institute gave mathematical reasons for their dissent from the neo-Darwinian synthesis.[5]

The modern version of the theory of evolution, which tries to correct the more obvious errors in Darwin's original theory, is sometimes called "Neo-Darwinism".

The theory of natural selection is one of two major evolutionary theories advanced by Darwin, the other being the theory of descent with modification.[6]


  1. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Darwinism
  2. Disinherit the Wind: Growing Up in a Darwinian State, Posted on September 18, 2017, Discovery Institute.[1]
  3. Beyond Reductionism: New Perspectives in the Life Sciences - The Alpbach Symposium, 1968. Hardcover – 1969, by Arthur Koestler (Editor),‎ J. R. Smythies (Editor).
  4. Alpbach Symposium: Another 1960s revolt by serious thinkers against Darwinism, Uncommon Descent, October 14, 2017.[2]
  5. 50th Anniversary of the 1966 Wistar Symposium! Mathematical Challenges to the Theory of Evolution [3]
  6. http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Darwinism

See also