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China Global Television Network, or CGTN, is a major news network from China. It has lots of search results in Google, and it is praised by Microsoft's NewsGuard[1]. It is owned by the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, making it a Chinese state network, and it has many continental stations. CGTN was created as the re-branding of the CCP's CCTV media organisation outside of the People's Republic of China known as "CCTV International" until 2016.

CGTN is extremely anti-Trump[2] and very pro-Biden[3], as Biden is obviously friends with the Chinese Communist Party.

CGTN is also anti-American.[4]

CGTN, as is with CCTV within Mainland China is best known for it's powerfull pro-CCP propaganda as well as broadcasting forced-confessions such as some of the members of the Causeway Bay book store dissapearences in Hong Kong ~2015 which was claimed by a former-Ministry of State Security spy to have been kidnapped by the CCP. The bookstore has since closed and has been re-established in Taiwan.
