
Talk:Gun control

196 bytes added, 00:30, December 30, 2008
/* Australia */ final reply to PhilipJ
:::::::: Now, are you going to simply repeat your claims about censorship, or actually provide supporting evidence for your claims?
:::::::: [[User:Philip J. Rayment|Philip J. Rayment]] 19:23, 29 December 2008 (EST)
::::::::: PhilipJ, I know how liberals love to talk, but my time is better spent making substantive contributions. Don't censor them.--[[User:Aschlafly|aschlafly]] 19:30, 29 December 2008 (EST)
Speaking of the drug problem in the U.S. and Australia, it would seem that from numbers alone, there's not a huge difference: [ Australia drug use statistics] (relevant info on page 19) and [ U.S. drug use]
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